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GRK 1991:  Quantum Mechanical Noise in Complex Systems

Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2014 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 239408513
The Research Training Group explores in an interdisciplinary collaboration the intrinsic quantum mechanical noise in fundamental physical systems, thereby combining the research areas and the scientific young researcher training of the three most important pillars of the physics department in Hannover, i.e., solid-state physics, gravitational physics and quantum optics. The mutual research of experimentalists and theorists will focus on the three overlapping areas
(1) noise in low-dimensional, quantum mechanical systems,
(2) physics beyond the standard quantum limit, and
(3) noise and correlations in highly complex systems.
There is a wide range of doctoral subject-matters including but not limited to noise and correlation measurements in ultra-cold atomic systems and solid state artificial atoms, generation of squeezed light, non-Gaussian noise properties and quantum mechanical entanglement, quantum channels with memory and modern feedback control systems.
The central goal of the Research Training Group is to provide comprehensive training in quantum mechanical and stochastic processes in a demanding and internationally recognised research environment. The Research Training Group allows the PhD students to focus predominantly on their research, which will be supported by complementary lectures, which are specifically conceptualised for the Research Training Group. The lectures vary from Research Training Group’s specific, advanced lectures to top-class guest lectures up to PhD rotation, where the students work for a finite time in a complementary research group.
The integration of the Research Training Group in the LUH Graduate Academy ensures a professional management programme and close networking with industry. The efficient structure of the Research Training Group in combination with fast track options and mandatory mentoring agreements will facilitate swift PhD completion times. The established, manifold, international collaborations guarantee excellent international PhD applicants and stimulate the self-reliance of the PhD students by interconnectedness and international experience. An intense scientific debate between the PhD students is facilitated by the shared workspace in the "Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering".
DFG Programme Research Training Groups

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