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GSC 4:  Molecular Cell Research in Biology and Medicine (MOBILMED)

Subject Area Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Term from 2006 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 24040252
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

The main goal of SGBM was to create an excellent PhD program driven by Internationality, Interdisciplinarity, Intellectual Advancement and Innovation (4 Is). Over the two funding periods, about 40% of the doctoral researchers were international originating from 38 different countries (Internationality). They graduated in 7 different research areas which have been connected by monthly reunions, yearly retreats, own guest speaker seminars and a multidisciplinary module per year (Interdiscplinarity). In addition to 90% bench work yielding 478 publications, the doctoral researchers have been trained in soft skills, methods, didactics and teaching courses. They supervised undergraduate students and attended conferences and short research stays in collaborating labs worldwide (Intellectual Advancement). SGBM has become the flagship of doctoral training at the University of Freiburg by setting new standards for stricter selection and better supervision and mentoring of doctoral researchers. It implemented for the first time MD/PhD, Fast-Track and industry mentoring programs and ensured a better support for the PhD-Postdoc transition and family/child care (Innovation). Out of 195 recruited researchers 12 dropped out for various reasons. The rest finished with excellent distinctions, published at least 1 first author and on average 2 co-authorship papers in high impact journals and finished their PhD in roughly 4 years. The 129 alumni got high profile postdoc or scientist jobs in academia, industry, clinics and the publishing sector worldwide. Roughly 25% of them are already in leading positions (managers, junior professors, etc). The success of SGBM, as measured by publication output, interdisciplinary education and embarking on excellent career paths, is based on 4 pillars: (i) rigorous selection of doctoral researchers, (ii) controlled supervision, (iii) broad curriculum with mandatory and facultative courses and (iv) academic and industry career mentoring. The exclusiveness of SGBM has been to advertise own funded PhD positions (Track-1), which attracted the best scientists who could choose and shape their own research project. This intellectual advancement of doctoral training shall be maintained by acquiring positions from industrial partners, foundations, beneficiary events and the State BW/University. The future goal of SGBM will be to offer the incorporation of doctoral researchers from Life Science CRC programs (CRC-Track) and support SGBM PIs to find excellent doctoral researchers for their own research grants (Track-2). This principle has already been implemented for the doctoral researchers of the excellence cluster CIBSS (CIBSS-Track). For the RTGs, SGBM will offer to assist in the recruitment and course organization and survey the standards of supervision and mentoring. However, RTGs will remain own graduate education identities. Like that, provided that the faculties support this development, SGBM shall broaden its scope of excellent structural doctoral training in the area of Life Sciences at the University of Freiburg.

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