Fluid flow, heat transport and solute migration in relation to young processes
Final Report Abstract
In the Schleswig-Holstein area, salty groundwaters are not always spatially related to the presence of shallow sat structures. Furthermore, hydrochemical data point to instable salinity profiles and to the occurrences of deep brines close to the surface. The salinity profiles highlighted the presence of brine lenses and inverted salinity profiles throughout the basin. Furthermore, deep formation brines observed at the surface of the Hemmelsdorf basin point toward strong interaction between deep fluid flow and shallower aquifer systems. Therefore, complex interaction between shallow and deep solute migration must occur. Numerical simulation of fluid flow, mass and heat transport have been carried out in order to understand the role of shallow salt dissolution and young geological features on groundwater flow as well as to investigate the interrelationships between shallow and deep aquifersystems. For these purposes, a shallow (-500 m) and a deep profile model (- 5 km) have been constructed in order to study: (1) the role of shallow salt dissolution and young geological units on groundwater flow, (2) the interrelationships between shallow brine migration and deep fluid flow and (3) the impact of the geothermal gradient on the whole groundwater system, (4) the impact of anthropogenic activities. These investigations provided possible explanations for these unsolved issues and allowed to gain insights on transport processes within geothermal basin. The results indicate that different flow regimes coexist within the study area. Shallow brine migration is strongly controlled by the geological features of the basin such as faults, glacial channels and sand layers. Furthermore, shallow salt dissolution is the major cause for gravitational convection in the deeper aquifers. This source of salinization from above leads to the formation of instable salinity profiles at 2 km depth. Further interactions between shallow and deep fluid flow exist in the eastern part of the basin where brine upconing is due to both topography-driven flow and thermohaline convection. The simulations also showed that the hydraulic conductivity of the stratigraphic units influences the brine regime on a regional-scale. Gravitational convection is likely to occur in permeable units located near shallow salt structures, while thermohaiine convection persists within thick permeable areas in which salt dissolution is not the dominant process. Beside topography-driven flow, the different convective regimes are a mechanism for extensive solute exchange between shallow and deep aquifers.
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