Projekt Druckansicht

Supraleitender Spin-Valve und Triplett-Supraleitung

Fachliche Zuordnung Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung Förderung von 2014 bis 2018
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 246730015
Erstellungsjahr 2017

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

The overall results can be summarized as follows. All two goals of the renewal project were successfully achieved. The proximity effect was used for probing the electron spin polarization P of a ferromagnetic film as it was planned according to the first main goal of the project. The increase of the P value was evidenced by the reduction of the critical thickness of the superconducting Pb layer for Heusler/Pb bilayers. The experimental results related to the second minor goal have shown that the singlet and the triplet superconducting spin valve effects are not observed for Heusler/Py/Pb systems with both high and low P values of the Heusler layer. The triplet spin valve effect is observed for Py/Heusler/Pb systems with low P value of the Heusler material. The amplitude of of the effect amounts to 120 mK, which makes the Heusler material a promising candidate for F1 layer of the S/F1/F2 scheme triplet spin valve system.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Probing the degree of spin polarization of a ferromagnet with ferromanget/superconductor proximity effect
    Pavel V. Leksin, Andrey. A. Kamashev, Joachim Schumann, Vladislav Kataev, Jürgen Thomas, Thomas Gemming, Bernd Büchner, Ilgiz A. Garifullin


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