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Integrating Microwave Link Data For Analysis of Precipitation in Complex Terrain: Theoretical Aspects and Hydrometeorological Applications (IMAP)

Subject Area Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Limnology, Urban Water Management, Water Chemistry, Integrated Water Resources Management
Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Atmospheric Science
Term from 2014 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 254695484
The objective of IMAP is to develop and apply new methods for the quantification of precipitation in regions of complex terrain. The detailed knowledge of its spatio-temporal distribution is the crucial prerequisite for sustainable water management, ranging from managing limited water availability and water distribution in agriculture, industry or households to managing flooding risks and civil protection. We will derive high resolution rainfall fields by merging different precipitation information. Microwave derived line integrated precipitation estimates originating from commercial cellphone link data will be combined with traditional gauge and radar derived observations and additionally assimilated into a high resolution atmospheric model. For the first time microwave link data from a Palestine cell phone provider (Jawwal) will be acquired and combined with data from Israel. Also for the first time, a large number of microwave attenuation data from commercial links in Germany will be made available directly via a cellphone company (Ericsson). Methods and approaches will be tested and evaluated for larger regions in Israel, Palestine and Germany. A special focus is set on three selected target catchments: the Wadi Darga in Israel, the Wadi Faria in Palestine and the Ammer mountains in Germany. All three target regions are characterized by complex, mountainous terrain, high rainfall variability in space and time, and fast precipitation-runoff response times. Necessity for improved flood forecasting methods is a central issue for all three target regions, while improved water availability estimates of course have a higher importance in the dry Israeli and Palestine target regions. We have decided to use one common and joint hydro-meteorological model system: the coupled atmospheric and hydrological model WRF-Hydro will be used and further developed for the three target regions. This will allow for an improved understanding and quantification of the full regional water cycle and has the potential to improve flood forecasting.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Israel, Palestine

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