Projekt Druckansicht

Analyse der Entstehung des immunologischen Gedächtnisses durch fate-mapping einzelner T-lymphozyten

Antragsteller Dr. Jan Rohr
Fachliche Zuordnung Immunologie
Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Förderung Förderung von 2014 bis 2019
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 255277698
Erstellungsjahr 2020

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Due to their central role in protecting our bodies the underlying mechanisms governing the strikingly dynamic behavior of activated T cells upon infection constitute an intensely studied field. A striking feature of T cells is that their behavior combines two seemingly contradictory features: it is highly adaptable, yet their responses are nevertheless very robust. Our understanding of the regulation of T cell responses has largely focused on mechanisms that are either cell-intrinsic or build on signals provided by other cell types, like dendritic cells or regulatory T cells. While cell-intrinsic heterogeneity can shape the behaviour of T cells, conceptually an entirely cell-intrinsic regulation of T cell behaviour may be difficult to reconcile with the flexibility necessary to adjust T behavior to the requirements of different infections. On the other hand, control of T cells via signals provided by dendritic cells (DCs) and regulatory T (Treg) cells is prone to variability, because tailoring the strength of extrinsic regulatory signals to the size of the population regulated is challenging. Building on the idea that if members of a population mutually control each other, the strength of regulatory signals scales with the population size, the data generated within this project provides a solution to this conundrum. Specifically, our work demonstrates that activated conventional CD8+ T cells are able to mutually control each other in a manner akin to quorum-based regulation observed prokaryotes. Furthermore, we elucidate mechanisms underlying this additional layer of regulation. Specifically, our work showcases that T cell quorum-regulation can affect expansion and contraction of T cells as well as their differentiation. Concepts underlying quorum-regulation have recently gained attention in the field of systems biology due to their impressive ability to strike a balance between the seemingly contradictory fields of of adaptability and robustness. As demonstrated in our work, quorum-regulated systems can achieve this, if their network builds on interlaced antagonistic feedback circuits. Furthermore, we show that T cell quorum regulation does not act in isolation, but is able to integrate signals from other cell types, like dendritic cells. This equips the system with the flexibility required to adjust T behavior to different infections, because the network architecture enables both the amplification of weak extrinsic signals and the attentuation of strong T cell population-extrinsic inputs. Our work has unravelled several novel and very fundamental aspects of T cell mediated immune responses. Specifically, we have successfully adressed the central goal of this project, namely to provide a better understanding into mechanismns underlying the population dynamics and functional diversification of T lymphocytes upon infection. Although being fundamental in nature, the mechanisms delineated can help to improve immunotherapies and vaccination strategies by providing additional levers for modulating T cell behavior.

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