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SPP 1857:  Elektromagnetische Sensoren für Life Sciences (ESSENCE)

Subject Area Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Term from 2015 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 255715243
The central idea of the Priority Program ESSENCE is to establish interdisciplinary research in the field of electromagnetic sensors, whose principle of sensing or measurement is based on the interaction between the electromagnetic fields of the sensor and the matter to be detected or analyzed with a special focus in life sciences. The matter of interest could be biomolecules, cells, tissues and organs or other parts of the body of animals or humans in biology and medicine as well as materials, chemical substances and mixtures of it in pharmacology, food chemistry, agricultural engineering, environmental analysis and monitoring. Therefore, senor elements at micro-, millimeter- and THz waves are very promising because of their high-performance potential, combining a high sensitivity, good penetration and spatial resolution as well as marker- and reactionless operation.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection France



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