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Models and Phenomenology for Standard and Non-Standard Neutrino Physics

Subject Area Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
Term from 2014 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 262718244
Models and phenomenology of Standard and Non-standard neutrino physics are supposed to be studied. For standard physics, implications of new precision data in neutrino oscillation experiments will be interpreted. Currently unknown parameters such as the leptonic CP phase, the neutrino mass ordering or the octant of the atmospheric mixing angles will be explained in the framework of models, and investigated in what regards inconsistencies. Regarding non-standard physics, light sterile neutrinos with masses around eV will be implemented in models, and it is to be studied how their properties can be determined. Sterile neutrinos with masses around keV are candidates for warm dark matter; here similar approaches as for light sterile neutrinos can be followed. It is to be analysed if the necessary dark matter density can be obtained in concrete models, e.g. in frameworks with additional spatial dimensions. Finally, it will be investigated how the KATRIN experiment can constrain new physics such as right-handed currents or keV sterile neutrinos, and how this compares with other limits on that physics (lepton number and flavor violation, collider physics), both in general and in concrete models.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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