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Robust Data Mining of Large-Scale Attributed Graphs

Subject Area Security and Dependability, Operating-, Communication- and Distributed Systems
Term from 2015 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 267560157
Final Report Year 2022

Final Report Abstract

The ambition of the Emmy Noether project was to advance our understanding about robustness of graphbased data mining / machine learning techniques. With the increasing use of graph machine learning in various application domains, the need of reliable techniques becomes ever more important. In the scope of the project, we advanced the field in three different directions: (1) We proposed different approaches which are able to perturb/corrupt graphs so that vulnerabilities in the used machine learning technique become apparent. Among others, we investigated the robustness of graph neural networks and graph embeddings. All studies have shown that graph-based learning techniques are highly susceptible to corruptions in the data and that results have to be considered carefully. (2) We developed techniques improving robustness of the models. The advancements proposed range from more robust clustering techniques, over advanced training procedures, up to improved graph neural network architectures. In various experimental studies, we have shown the benefit of using these robust models over the non-robust baselines. (3) We studied procedures for certifying robustness of graph-based models, i.e. providing mathematical guarantees about the stability of a model’s outcomes. The certificates cover white-box certificates that exploit the specificities of certain classes of approaches, e.g. graph convolutional networks, and black-box certificates which are general applicable and model-agnostic. Hand in hand with these main directions, we investigated various approaches for scaling up the proposed approaches and graph-learning techniques in general taking into account, e.g., the sparsity of data or considering large-scale / distributed learning settings.



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