Projekt Druckansicht


Fachliche Zuordnung Augenheilkunde
Förderung Förderung von 2015 bis 2020
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 257498687
Central project 2 headed by Prof. Cursiefen and Prof. Langmann will manage all administrative issues of the FOR. In addition, it will build a framework to connect all individual projects amongst others with monthly seminars for progress reports and by continuing the invited guest lecture and visiting professor series. It will also continue the yearly research retreats and organize an international meeting in Cologne at the end of the first funding period. We will implement a specific secretary that will host the FOR2240 homepage and coordinate the central budgets for travel costs and publication fees. The secretary will be also responsible for coordinating the GEROK rotation positions, for all communications related to financial issues and for staff contracts with the grant departments of the Universities in Cologne, Bonn and Erlangen as well as the Franziskus Hospital in Münster. It will also aid in preparation of manuscripts and manage the formal project issues of PhD and MD students. A competent personality with good organization skills and fluent english language will be required to fulfil this position. We therefore request funding for a non-academic staff member at the Level E8.
DFG-Verfahren Forschungsgruppen


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