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GRK 2150:  The Neuroscience of Modulating Aggression and Impulsivity in Psychopathology

Subject Area Neurosciences
Term since 2016
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 269953372
The International Research Training Group (IRTG) "The Neuroscience of Modulating Aggression and Impulsivity in Psychopathology" has been jointly established by scientists of JARABRAIN (Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance), the institutionalized co-operation between RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany, and scientists from the University of Pennsylvania, US. The major aim of the IRTG is the advancement of current knowledge on the neurobiological and pathological mechanisms of aggression and impulsivity. This is, and will be, achieved using experimental, animal, clinical and increasingly also data-driven approaches. Two major aims were pursued in the first funding period. First, we investigated factors influencing impulsive and aggressive behavior, emphasizing associations with neural network function. Second, we explored neurostimulation, psychological and pharmacological methods to modulate aggressive or impulsive behavior. Our aims could only be accomplished utilizing interdisciplinary and international scientific collaboration. Further, we rely on joint education of young scientists aspiring to combine cutting-edge clinically relevant research with data-driven approaches. This IRTG hence builds a bridge from imaging experiments and animal research to methodological research in brain imaging, statistical methods and data analysis. Our main goal in the new funding period will be the improvement, generalizability and validation of diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic precision by combining experimental and data science approaches in the field of aggression and impulsivity. To this end, we will extend our research program to machine learning and big data approaches. This will enable us to generate hypotheses that can inform a theoretical model and, in turn, can be validated in experimental settings. The theoretical framework is therefore kept to a minimum, defining fundamental psychological domains and associated networks contributing to aggression. Working on a transdiagnostic topic, we aim to establish neuroimaging-based biomarkers for clinical use to improve diagnostic and therapeutic precision. To accomplish this, we will pursue a research strategy that combines complementary techniques to exploit synergies, and thus, trains young scientists in different but intertwined research domains. The qualification program is an indispensable means of attaining our goals. The extended education plan now additionally emphasizes training in data analytics and data-driven approaches. Together, we strive to establish and maintain a productive and interdisciplinary environment for high-level education of young scientists in the field of clinical, translational, and systems neuroscience within this IRTG.
DFG Programme International Research Training Groups
International Connection USA
Participating Institution Forschungszentrum Jülich
IRTG-Partner Institution University of Pennsylvania
IRTG-Partner: Spokesperson Professor Ruben C. Gur, Ph.D.

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