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Administrative structures in pharaonic Egypt: the early 3rd millennium

Subject Area Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Term from 2016 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 270574352
The projects aims at publishing, analyzing and interpreting early 3rd millennium seal impressions from Egypt. Objects of study are c. 14,000 fragments of dockets which had been attached to vessels, papyri or doors and were found at different Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom sites (settlements as well as cemeteries) of Upper and Lower Egypt. The seal impressions will serve as sources of information about institutions and individuals which took part in the respective administrative acts and as a means for a more exact dating of artefacts and archaeological contexts. The specific character of the dockets (i.e., their material, shape, style, texts, place of origin, deposit place and time) hints at usage, origin and handling of the sealed products and shall be analyzed in order to gain insight into the administrative structures on a local scale. While earlier studies dealing with the emergence of the pharaonic state mostly concentrated on political, ideological, and religious aspects, the project will highlighten the interrelation between the administrative processing of goods and ressources and the development of the Egyptian state.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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