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GRK 2185:  Situated Cognition - New Concepts in Investigating Core Mental Phenomena

Subject Area Philosophy
Term since 2017
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 274877981
The joint Research Training Group (RTG) should be continued at the Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) and Osnabrück University (UOS). Methodologically, it will connect philosophy of mind and cognition, on the one hand, and the cognitive sciences, on the other hand. The main goal of the RTG is to identify deficits in traditional conceptions of mind and cognition and to refine and enhance the existing conceptions and our understanding of the mind. During the second phase we aim to integrate applications with new perspectives including ontogenetic and phylogenetic studies as well as investigations about special mental states (disorders). Since the RTG has a clear focus on philosophical theory formation, all applications have a close relation to theory formation. Concerning the core concepts, we argue that the 4E distinction should be substituted by a 3E distinction resulting in “embodiment”, “enactment”, and “environmental scaffolding” (the latter replacing “embeddedness” and “extendedness”) as central concepts. Furthermore, in the meantime it seems obvious that the classical understanding of mental representation (in line with Fodor) is untenable. We have developed a minimal consensus within the RTG that we need mental representations to deliver adequate descriptions of some mental phenomena but their contents have to be characterized as flexible as well as dependent on context and explanatory interest. On this basis we aim to develop a theory of mind and cognition which denies rigid neural modules, accounts for multiple interactions between brain and body as well as integrations with the physical and social environment. To this end we already have worked out some building blocks which should be unfolded in the second phase and ideally be integrated into a new theory of the nature of cognition. We are convinced that only a joint effort and the interplay between empirical and philosophical research enable us to reach this goal. The qualification concept attaches special importance to intensifying supervision through flexible and individual supervision (“Starting Agreement”, “Individual Supervision Meetings”), by exploiting the synergies resulting from both locations, by relying on close scientific exchange within the RTG (bi-local “Research Seminars”), by actively embedding the RTG’s work in an international context (“Graduate Workshops”, “Fellow Workshops“, “Optional Stay Abroad”), and by encouraging and supporting scientific publications already during the dissertation period. In core this concept will be maintained as it has already proven its worth. To realize this program, we will continue to ensure an intense integration of the PhD students into the RTG within a cooperative working environment; and we especially continue to further the careers of young female researchers.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Co-Applicant Institution Universität Osnabrück

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