Modellierung, Computersimulation, Mechanismen der Verformung nanokristalliner Metalle
Professor Dr. Karsten Albe; Professor Dr. Peter Gumbsch
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2006 bis 2013
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 19964558
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Accommodation processes during deformation of nanocrystalline palladium. Acta Materialia, 58(16):5491–5501, September 2010
D. V. Bachurin and P. Gumbsch
Extracting dislocations and non-dislocation crystal defects from atomistic simulation data. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 18(8):085001, December 2010
A. Stukowski and K. Albe
Microstrain in nanocrystalline solids under load by virtual diffraction. European Physics Letters, 89(6):66002, March 2010
J. Markmann, D. Bachurin, L. Shao, P. Gumbsch, and J. Weissmueller
Plastic deformation of nanocrystalline pd-au alloys: On the interplay of grain boundary solute segregation, fault energies and grain size. Acta Materialia, 59(8):2957–2968, May 2011
J. Schäfer, A. Stukowski, and K. Albe
Competing deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline metals and alloys: Coupled motion versus grain boundary sliding. Acta Materialia, 60(17):6076–6085, October 2012
J. Schäfer and K. Albe
Effect of solute segregation on thermal creep in dilute nanocyrstalline cu alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 546:307–313, June 2012
J. Schäfer, Yinon Ashkenazy, K. Albe, and Robert S. Averback
Elastic and plastic anisotropy after straining of nanocrystalline palladium. Physical Review B, 85(8):085407, February 2012
D. V. Bachurin and P. Gumbsch
On the hierarchy of deformation processes in nanocrystalline alloys: Grain boundary mediated plasticity Versetzung. dislocation slip. Journal of Applied Physics, 114(14):143501, October 2013
J. Schäfer, A. Stukowski, and K. Albe
Atomistic simulation of the deformation of nanocrystalline palladium: the effect of voids. Modelling and Simulation In Materials Science and Engineering, 22(2):025011, March 2014
D. V. Bachurin and P. Gumbsch