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Systems theory of partial differential-algebraic equations

Subject Area Mathematics
Term from 2016 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 289034702
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

We have considered (control) systems govered by differential-algebraic equations. Starting with finite- dimensional systems, we have introduced a novel index concept, namely the “the input index”. This allows for single-input single output systems to systematically characterize the set of consistent initial values and the regularity requirements on the control. An application of this to linear-quadratic Optimal Control Problems (OCPs) allows to properly construct terminal conditions in Model Predictive Control (MPC) for state- and input-constrained systems. Moreover, it also enables to determine suitable lengths of the optimisation horizon such that MPC without stabilising terminal conditions renders the origin asymptotically stable with respect to the resulting closed-loop system. Subsequently, we have addressed the two main drawbacks of the proposed approach. Using the so-called Feedback-Equivalence-Form (FEF) or unimodular transformation and, thus, the staircase form, allows to extend the deduced framework to multi-input multi-output systems and to avoid numerical disadvantages of the Quasi- Weierstraß-Form (QWF). Secondly, we have revisited our results from a truly differential-algebraic perspective. We have de- veloped an approach to the OCP zero-state terminal conditions by using so-called “Lur’e equations”. This gives - in contrast to many other approaches - equivalent criteria for optimality. Then, in a follow-up step – based on a suitable, newly derived characterisation of output stabilisability – MPC for differential-algebraic systems has been treated. This is of particular interest since it enables to verify the assumed sufficient conditions without employing a canonical form beforehand. Thirdly, stability concepts were suitably generalised to the infinite-dimensional setting such that the respective optimal control task can be tackled based on the developed control methodology. In addition, we studied port-Hamiltonian systems. Again, we contributed by first deriving general system-theoretic concepts, e.g. on existence, uniqueness, and stability, and second by analysing an intrinsically motivated optimal control problem, i.e. state transition with minimal energy. The latter leads to a singular OCP, which can, however, due to the port-Hamiltonian structure be properly solved. Here, we started to extend our considerations to infinite-dimensional systems towards the very end of the project, which opens up interesting, future research directions.



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