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Images of aging: Via a dynamic life-span model to new perspectives for research and practise

Subject Area Developmental and Educational Psychology
Term from 2016 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 322550872
Over the past 20 years, research has substantiated the importance of images of aging for successful development and sustained quality of life for the full length of life span. Several open questions in images of aging research, however, limit a deep understanding of origins and underlying processes of images of aging that is necessary for translation of findings into interventions and public policies. The proposed network aims to close these gaps by four steps (Figure 1): To reach consensus about a common terminology (step 1), to systematize findings and research desiderata on determinants (step 2) as well as subsequent mechanisms of images of aging (step 3), and to take first steps for putting theory into practice (step 4). Context in its multiple expressions (life domain, social environment, culture) plays a key role for understanding the manifestation and influence of images of aging. A comprehensive life-span model will be developed that converts what is still piecemeal into a thorough theoretical structure organized by different contextual levels. By generating and conducting common research projects and collaborations, images of aging research will be importantly extended. Reaching our goal would render possible a better understanding of the dynamics of images of aging across the life span and an increased communication of the relevance of images of aging for individual and population aging to a wider audience. These are significant first steps to designing effective interventions that prevent deficit-oriented images of aging from becoming self-fulfilling prophecies.
DFG Programme Scientific Networks

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