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GRK 2364:  MOMbrane: The multifaceted functions and dynamics of the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM)

Subject Area Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Term since 2018
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 327043846
The mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) mediates numerous interactions between mitochondria and the rest of the cell. It plays a central role in mitophagy, apoptosis, motility and morphology of the organelle, transfer of proteins and lipids to and from other compartments, immune response, and exchange of metabolites with the cytosol. Despite its obvious importance, the MOM is currently understudied, making our initiative highly relevant and unique. All the included projects are tightly interconnected and deal with various aspects of the same biological question: How are mitochondrial diversity, dynamics and functions coordinated and regulated at the level of the MOM? To this aim, we employ an interdisciplinary strategy combining the expertise of the various partners in biochemistry, cell biology, biophysics, biotechnology, and quantitative proteomics. Only such joint initiative of various groups allows us to embark on this challenging new endeavour. In the first funding period we have already had some major achievements like new insights into the stages of mitophagy, obtaining nanobodies against MOM proteins, or unravelling novel relationships between apoptosis and mitochondrial morphology. With the help of two new PIs, we aim to continue existing lines of research but also to establish new ones. All fellows participating in this RTG benefit from an intense program of training measures. Our aim is to provide a cohort of young researchers with the appropriate multidisciplinary background and knowhow in mitochondrial biology and to train them in techniques needed to study it. In addition, our RTG includes a wide spectrum of career promoting, non-science focused activities. A special aspect of the training program is a tight cooperation with the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS), Israel. A selected group of scientists from WIS, who share our research interests and perfectly complement our expertise, participates in the training and instructing program. Each fellow in our RTG has a dual mentoring team including a co-supervisor from the WIS and should spend an internship in the partner group at the WIS. Furthermore, we plan for the second funding period two common workshops – one in Tübingen and one at the WIS.Collectively, MOM proteins are playing a central role in a wide variety of cellular processes and their malfunction can cause human diseases. By joining forces and employing a unique training program, we aim to train a group of young researchers who will help us to gain a comprehensive understanding of this fascinating biological system.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Participating Institution Weizmann Institute of Science

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