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Two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatography in microfluidic chip devices

Subject Area Analytical Chemistry
Term from 2017 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 371350234
The main scientific goal within the project -Two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatography in microfluidic chip devices- is the development of a miniaturized analysis system for fast analytical characterization of complex sample mixtures by multidimensional chip-based chromatography. Central aspect of the research work is the dead volume-free coupling of two pressure-driven chromatography units with particulate stationary phase by applying lab-on-a-chip technology. With this approach based on highly efficient coupling of chromatographic columns the great potential of multidimensional HPLC in microfluidic chips will be systematically investigated. Thereby, it should be possible to exploit the benefits of multidimensional nano-HPLC and to smartly bypass the technical hurdles of this technology, which are well documented in literature. Within the project microfluidic systems for two-dimensional chip chromatography are developed and the possibilities and limitations of this promising technology will be evaluated in detail.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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