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Proteomics and peptidomics for the identification and functional characterization of sORF encoded proteins

Subject Area Metabolism, Biochemistry and Genetics of Microorganisms
Term since 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 378209894
As in the first funding period, the proteomics and peptidomics Z-project aims to provide, in form of cooperation projects, state-of-the-art analytical approaches for those groups in the SPP-2002 not having own in-house proteomics agendas as the primary task. Following the demands from the first funding period and the research programs envisaged by the applicants for the second funding period, four main tasks will be addressed: (i) the identification and quantification of SEP; (ii) comparative proteome expression analysis in order to decipher the functional potential of SEP; (iii) the identification of SEP interaction partners; and (iv) the characterization of posttranslational modified SEP. Despite remarkable advances made in the field of analytics of SEP, including the methodological work contributed in the first funding period by the members of this Z-project, there is still an ongoing need for improved and completely new analytical approaches. Consequently, as a second task the Z-project will continue to perform methodological oriented research in order to (i) improve existing approaches and adapt these to the projects partners specific demands, (ii) to be capable to provide novel, yet untested technologies, (iii) to directly transfer novel methods to cooperation projects for an enhanced scientific outcome and (iv) to set benchmarks in this internationally highly visible research field as well as in the field of the necessary bioanalytics as for the first funding period. Major foci will lie on approaches for the quantification of SEP, the analysis of posttranslational modifications in the small proteins and on the top-down analysis of SEP.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes

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