Project Details
The role of AP-1 signalling in the pathology of bone remodelling (A04)
Subject Area
Orthopaedics, Traumatology, Reconstructive Surgery
from 2007 to 2008
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 29773914
No abstract available
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Subproject of
SFB 760:
Biomechanics and Biology of Musculoskeletal Regeneration - From Functional Assessment to Guided Tissue Formation
Applicant Institution
shared FU Berlin and HU Berlin through:
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Co-Applicant Institution
Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin (DRFZ)
Project Head
Dr. Jean-Pierre David, Ph.D. (†)