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Soft X-ray spectroscopy and correlated many-electron dynamics of molecular systems from first principles theory

Applicant Professor Dr. Oliver Kühn, since 1/2021
Subject Area Theoretical Chemistry: Electronic Structure, Dynamics, Simulation
Term from 2017 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 390710146
X-ray spectroscopic techniques attract considerable attention, because they allow for an atom-specific probe of the local electronic structure of molecules and molecular complexes. Combined with theoretical modeling, it can be a very informative tool unraveling the state of the absorbing atom and its interactions with the environment, especially when dynamics initiated by a laser pulse is resolved in time. This project aims developing and implementing a general purpose theoretical approach to different types of soft X-ray spectroscopies, based on multi-reference techniques including spin-orbit coupling. The particular focus is put on the calculations of Auger and other autoionization processes. With this, it fills in the gap in the unified description of first-order and second-order photon-in/photon-out and photon-in/electron-out events. Such a development will make the joint analysis of different types of steady-state soft X-ray spectra more convenient and informative by providing complementary information on competing decay channels. Further, having all the couplings between states and respective decay rates at hand, a density matrix-based formalism will be implemented to study ultrafast electron and spin dynamics and to find ways to steer it by changing ultrashort pulse characteristics.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Ehemaliger Antragsteller Professor Dr. Sergey Bokarev, until 12/2020

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