EXC 259: Smart Interfaces - Understanding and Designing Fluid Boundaries
Process Engineering, Technical Chemistry
Final Report Abstract
The Cluster of Excellence ‘Smart Interfaces: Understanding and Designing Fluid Boundaries’ focused on fluid-solid boundaries that have been designed or built for achieving a specific purpose, such as enhancement or controllability of mass, momentum or heat transfer. The main objectives of the cluster are embodied in the sequence of steps – Understand – Model – Control – Optimize – Design – Apply – as it relates to smart interfaces. The technological relevance of smart interfaces is vast, finding applications in many different engineering sectors, including transportation, thermal engineering, environmental sciences, chemical and process engineering and production engineering. Organizationally the cluster was realized as the Center of Smart Interfaces (CSI) at the Technische Universität Darmstadt and integrated principal investigators, newly appointed professors and young researchers from five departments of the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Chemistry, Mathematics, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering and Physics), as well as from four neighboring non-university institutions. The research program was orientated around five interrelated Research Areas: Static and Dynamic Wettability, Heat Transfer Enhancement, Near-Wall Reactive Flows, Near-Wall Multiphase Flows, and Drag and Circulation Control. A strong emphasis was put on fundamental research; but also strong ties with industry were established, enabling an efficient and immediate transfer of knowledge. The organization of numerous conferences, workshops and seminars helped promote the exchange of ideas with colleagues and the incubation of new ideas and emerging technologies. After termination of the completion funding period, and according to the sustainability plan outlined in the initial proposal, the Center of Smart Interface took over the activities of the TU Darmstadt Research Cluster Thermo-Fluids and Combustion Engineering, therefore the center now carries the name “Center of Smart Interfaces – Thermo-Fluids and Combustion Engineering”, with a corresponding expansion of scientific scope to include also combustion processes and interface physics, not only involving near-wall effects. The cluster now includes over 30 faculty members. At the end of the completion funding more than 100 Ph.D. students supervised at CSI have received their degree and more than 50 PostDocs have been employed at CSI.
Link to the final report
2008. Shear driven flows of locally heated liquid films. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (19-20): 4797-4810
Gatapova, EY, Oleg A. Kabov
2009. CFD simulation of boiling flows using the Volume-Of-Fluid method within OPENFOAM. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A- Applications 56 (8): 631-646
Kunkelmann, Christian, Peter Stephan
2009. Effect of Longitudinal Minigrooves on Flow Stability and Wave Characteristics of Falling Liquid Films. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME 131 (1): Article Number 011601
Helbig, Klaus, Ralph Nasarek, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Peter Stephan
2009. Experimental damping of boundary-layer oscillations using DBD plasma actuators. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 30 (3): 394
Grundmann, Sven, Cameron Tropea
2009. Experimental study of bubble behavior and local heat flux EM pool boiling under variable gravitational conditions. Multiphase Science and Technology 21 (4): 329-50
Schweizer, Nils, Peter Stephan
2009. High-Resolution Measurements at Nucleate Boiling of Pure FC-84 and FC-3284 and Its Binary Mixtures. Journal of Heat Transfer- Transactions of the ASME 131 (12): Article Number 121008
Wagner, Enno, Peter Stephan
2009. Large eddy simulation based analysis of the effects of cycle-to-cycle variations on air-fuel mixing in realistic DISI IC-engines. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32: 2759–66
Goryntsev, D., A. Sadiki, M. Klein, J. Janicka
2009. Nanofiber coating of surfaces for intensification of drop or spray impact cooling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (25-26): 5814–26
Srikar, R., T., Gambaryan-Roisman, C. Steffes, P. Stephan, C. Tropea, A. L. Yarin
2010. A new anisotropic mesh adaptation method based upon hierarchical a posteriori error estimates. Journal of Computational Physics 229 (6): 2179–98
Huang, Weizhang, Lennard Kamenski, Jens Lang
2010. Analysis of the temporal flame kernel development in an optically accesible IC enginbe using high-speed OH-PLIF. Appl. Phys. B 100: 447–452
7. Müller, Sebastian, B. Böhm. M. Gleißner, R. Grzeszik, S. Arndt, A. Dreizler
2010. Dynamic Wetting of Polyisoprene Melts: Influence of the End Group. Langmuir 26 (4): 2544-2549
Liu, Chuanjun, Elmar Bonaccurso, Mordechai Sokuler, Günter Auernhammer, Hans- Jürgen Butt
2010. Dynamics of condensation and evaporation: Effect of inter-drop spacing. Epl 89 (3)
Sokuler, M., G. K. Auernhammer, C. J. Liu, E. Bonaccurso, H. J. Butt
2010. Experimental investigation of evaporative heat transfer characteristics at the 3-phase contact line. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 34 (8): 1036–41
Ibrahem, K., M. F. Abd Rabbo, T. Gambaryan-Roisman, P. Stephan
2010. Fast forced liquid film spreading on a substrate: flow, heat transfer and phase transition. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 656: 189-204
Roisman, Ilia
2010. Flow field measurements in an optically accessible direct injection spray-guided internal combustion engine using high-speed PIV. Exp. Fluids 48: 281–290
Müller, Sebastian, B. Böhm, M. Gleißner, Grzeszik, S. Arndt, A. Dreizler
2010. Heat transfer in thin liquid films flowing down heated inclined grooved plates. Computational Thermal Science 2 (5): 455-68
Yu, Hongyi, K. Loffler, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Peter Stephan
2010. Marangoni convection, evaporation and interface deformation in liquid films on heated substrates with non-uniform thermal conductivity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (1-3): 390-402
Gambaryan-Roisman, Tatiana
2010. Numerical simulation of the transient heat transfer during nucleate boiling of refrigerant HFE-7100. International Journal of Refrigeration-Revue Internationale du Froid 33 (7): 1221-1228
Kunkelmann, Christian, Peter Stephan
2010. On unified boundary conditions for improved predictions of near-wall turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 656 (August): 530–39
Jakirlic, S., J. Jovanovic
2010. Static and dynamic contact angles of evaporating liquids on heated surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 342 (2): 550-558
Ajaev, Vladimir S, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Peter Stephan
2010. The Softer the Better: Fast Condensation on Soft Surfaces. Langmuir 26 (3): 1544–47
Sokuler, Mordechai, Guenter K. Auernhammer, Marcel Roth, Chuanjun Liu, Elmar Bonaccurso, Hans-Jürgen Butt
2011. A comparative study of droplet impact dynamics on a dual-scaled superhydrophobic surface and lotus leaf. Applied Surface Science 257 (21): 8857–63
Chen, Longquan, Zhiyong Xiao, Philip C. H. Chan, Yi-Kuen Lee, Zhigang Li
2011. A hydrodynamic model for subcooled liquid jet impingement at the Leidenfrost condition. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 50 (6): 993–1000
Karwa, Nitin, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Peter Stephan, Cam Tropea
2011. A thermodynamic model of multiphase flows with moving interfaces and contact line. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 23 (5): 409–33
Wang, Yongqi, Martin Oberlack
2011. A VOF-Based Conservative Method for the Simulation of Reactive Mass Transfer from Rising Bubbles. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 7 (3): 303–16
Bothe, D., M. Kröger, H. J. Warnecke
2011. Coarse- Grained Computer Simulation of Nanoconfined Polyamide-6,6. Macromolecules 44 (8): 3117–28
Eslami, Hossein, Hossein Ali Karimi-Varzaneh, Florian Müller-Plathe
2011. Computational Analysis of Binary Collisions of shear-thinning Droplets. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 166 (14-15): 799–810
Focke, C., D. Bothe
2011. Conditional reversible work method for molecular coarse graining applications. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (22): 10468–74
Brini, Emiliano, Valentina Marcon, Nico F. A. van der Vegt
2011. Direct numerical simulation of thermocapillary flow based on the Volume of Fluid method. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 37 (9): 1045–58
Ma, Chen, Dieter Bothe
2011. Drop collisions with simple and complex surfaces. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 16 (4): 292–302
Marengo, Marco, Carlo Antonini, Ilia V. Roisman, Cameron Tropea
2011. Gas-phase toluene LIF temperature imaging near surfaces at 10 kHz. Experiments in Fluids 51 (5): 1169-1176
Cundy, M., P. Trunk, A. Dreizler, V. Sick
2011. Hofmeister Ion Interactions with Model Amide Compounds. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (46): 13781–87
Algaer, Elena A., Nico F. A. van der Vegt
2011. Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer in a Liquid Film Flowing Over a Spinning Disk with Specific Wall Topography. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, Edmonton, 2011
Gambaryan-Roisman, Tatiana, Peter Stephan
2011. Inertia dominated flow and heat transfer in liquid drop spreading on a hot substrate. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 32 (4): 785–95
Berberovic, Edin, Ilia V. Roisman, Suad Jakirlic, Cameron Tropea
2011. Inverse-Leidenfrost phenomenon on nanofiber mats on hot surfaces. Physical Review E 84 (3)
Weickgenannt, Christina M., Yiyun Zhang, Suman Sinha-Ray, Ilia V. Roisman, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Cameron Tropea, Alexander L. Yarin
2011. Modelling moleculesurface interactions-an automated quantum-classical approach using a genetic algorithm. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (22): 10577–83
Herbers, Claudia R., Karen Johnston, Nico F. A. van der Vegt
2011. Momentum and mass fluxes in a gas confined between periodically structured surfaces at different temperatures. Physical Review E 84 (016304)
Donkov, A., S. Tiwari, T. Liang, S. Hardt, A. Klar, W. Ye
2011. New Perspectives on Turbulent Combustion: Multi-Parameter High-Speed Planar Laser Diagnostics. Flow Turbulence and Combustion 86 (3-4): 313–41
Böhm, Benjamin, Christof Heeger, Robert L. Gordon, Andreas Dreizler
2011. Nonisothermal drop impact and evaporation on polymer nanofiber mats. Physical Review E 83 (3)
Weickgenannt, Christina M., Yiyun Zhang, Andreas N. Lembach, Ilia V. Roisman, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Alexander L. Yarin, Cameron Tropea
2011. Numerical study of heat transfer and phase change in a single metal particle of powder material in application to selective laser sintering. Computational Thermal Sciences 3 (3): 169-77
Dayal, Ram, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Eberhard
2011. Optical Particle Characterization in Flows. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 43 43: 399–426
Tropea, Cameron
2011. Passive camber change for wind turbine load alleviation, 49th Aerospace Sci Meeting, AIAA paper 2011-0637
Lambie, B., M. Jain, G. Spelsberg-Korspeter, C. Tropea C.
2011. Pixel-based characterisation of CMOS high-speed camera systems. Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics 103 (2): 421– 33
Weber, V., J. Brübach, R. L. Gordon, A. Dreizler
2011. Rationalization of the Behavior of Solid- Liquid Surface Free Energy of Water in Cassie and Wenzel Wetting States on Rugged Solid Surfaces at the Nanometer Scale. Langmuir 27 (2): 637–45
Leroy, Frédéric, Florian Mueller-Plathe
2011. Short time wetting dynamics on soft surfaces. Soft Matter 7 (19): 9084–89
Chen, Longquan, Guenter K. Auernhammer, Elmar Bonaccurso
2011. Simultaneous measurements of temperature and CO concentration in stagnation stabilized flames. Flow Turbulence and Combustion 90: 723–739
Mann, Markus, Avinash Singh, Thilo Kissel, Jan Brübach, Andreas Dreizler
2011. The Spin-Coating Process: Analysis of the Free Boundary Value Problem. Communications in Partial Differential Equations 36 (7): 1145–92
Denk, Robert, Matthias Geissert, Matthias Hieber, Jürgen Saal, Okihiro Sawada
2011. Thorny Devil Nanotextured Fibers: The Way to Cooling Rates on the Order of 1 kW/cm(2). Langmuir 27 (1): 215–26
Sinha-Ray, S., Y. Zhang, A. L. Yarin
2011. Transparent, Thermally Stable and Mechanically Robust Superhydrophobic Surfaces Made from Porous Silica Capsules. Advanced Materials 23 (26): 2962-2965
Deng, Xu, Lena Mammen, Yanfei Zhao, Philipp Lellig, Klaus Müllen, Chen Li, Hans- Jürgen Butt, Doris Vollmer
2011. Transport and separation of micron sized particles at isotachophoretic transition zones. Biomicrofluidics 5 (1)
Goet, Gabriele, Tobias Baier, Steffen Hardt
2011. Viscous mechanism for Leidenfrost propulsion on a ratchet. Epl 96 (5)
Dupeux, G., M. Le Merrer, G. Lagubeau, C. Clanet, S. Hardt, D. Quere
2011b. Experimental investigation of circular free-surface jet impingement quenching: Transient hydrodynamics and heat transfer. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 35 (7): 1435–43
Karwa, Nitin, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Peter Stephan, Cameron Tropea
2012. Can Continuum Thermodynamics Characterize Wenzel Wetting States of Water at the Nanometer Scale? Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8: 3724-3732
Leroy, Frédéric, Florian Müller-Plathe
2012. Candle Soot as a Template for a Transparent Robust Superamphiphobic Coating. Science 335 (6064): 67– 70
Deng, Xu, Lena Mammen, Hans-Jürgen Butt, Doris Vollmer
2012. Direct numerical simulation of binary off-center collisions of shear thinning droplets at high Weber numbers. Physics of Fluids 24 (7)
Focke, C. Bothe, D.
2012. Evaporation control of sessile water drops by soft viscoelastic surfaces. Soft Matter 8 (30): 7875–81
Lopes, Marcus C., Elmar Bonaccurso
2012. Experimental and numerical analysis of a lean premixed stratified burner using 1D Raman/Rayleigh scattering and large eddy simulation. Combustion and Flame 159 (8): 2669–89
Kuenne, Guido, Florian Seffrin, Frederik Fuest, Thabo Stahler, Anja Ketelheun, Drik Geyer, Johannes Janicka, Andreas Dreizler
2012. Experimental investigation of helical structures in swirling flows. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 37 (Oktober): 51–63
Grundmann, Sven, Florian Wassermann, Ramona Lorenz, Bernd Jung, Cameron Tropea
2012. Hydrodynamics of quenching with impinging free-surface jet. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (13-14): 3677–85
Karwa, Nitin, Lukas Schmidt, Peter Stephan
2012. Influence of surface tension models on the hydrodynamics of wavy laminar falling films in Volume of Fluid-simulations. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 43 (Juli): 66–71
Albert, Christoph, Henning Raach, Dieter Bothe
2012. Kirkwood-Buff Coarse-Grained Force Fields for Aqueous Solutions. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (5): 1802–7
Ganguly, Pritam, Debashish Mukherji, Christoph Junghans, Nico F. A. van der Vegt
2012. Label-Free Live-Cell Imaging with Confocal Raman Microscopy. Biophysical Journal 102 (2): 360–68
Klein, Katharina, Alexander M. Gigler, Thomas Aschenbrenne, Roberto Monetti, Wolfram Bunk, Ferdinand Jamitzky, Gregor Morfill, Robert W. Stark, Jürgen Schlegel
2012. LiFePO4-3D carbon nanofiber composites as cathode materials for Li-ions batteries. Journal of Applied Physics 111 (6)
Dimesso, L., C. Spanheimer, W. Jaegermann, Y. Zhang, A. L. Yarin
2012. Microfluidics with aqueous two-phase systems. Lab on a Chip 12 (3): 434–42
Hardt, Steffen, Thomas Hahn
2012. Molecular Dynamics simulation of the microregion. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 59: 21-28
Van den Akker, E.A.T., A.J.H. Frijns, C. Kunkelmann, P.A.J. Hilbers, Peter Stephan, A.A. van Steenhoven
2012. Money versus Time: Evaluation of Flow Control in Terms of Energy Consumption and Convenience. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 700: 406-418
Frohnapfel, Bettina, Yosuke Hasegawa, M. Quadrio
2012. Nonleaching antimicrobial surfaces through polydopamine bio-inspired coating of quaternary ammonium salts or an ultrashort antimicrobial lipopeptide. Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (5): 2026–32
Shalev, Tal, Anna Gopin, Michael Bauer, Robert W. Stark, Shai Rahimipour
2012. Partially premixed reacting acetone spray using LES and FGM tabulated chemistry. Combustion and Flame 159 (8): 2718–41
Chrigui, Mouldi, James Gounder, Amsini Sadiki, Assaad R. Masri, Johannes Janicka
2012. Repulsive bimodal atomic force microscopy on polymers. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 3 (Juni): 456–63
Gigler, Alexander M., Christian Dietz, Maximilian Baumann, Nicolas F. Martinez, Ricardo Garcia, Robert W. Stark
2012. The effect of three-phase contact line speed on local evaporative heat transfer: Experimental and numerical investigations. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (7-8): 1896–1904
Kunkelmann, Christian, Khalid Ibrahem, Nils Schweizer, Stefan Herbert, Peter Stephan, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman
2012. Two-dimensional cycle-resolved exhaust valve temperature measurements in an optically accessible internal combustion engine using thermographic phosphors. Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics 106 (4): 945–51
Fuhrmann, N., M. Schild, D. Bensing, S. A. Kaiser, C. Schulz, J. Brübach, A. Dreizler
2012. Wetting on the Microscale: Shape of a Liquid Drop on a Microstructured Surface at Different Length Scales. Langmuir 28 (22): 8392–98
Papadopoulos, Periklis, Xu Deng, Lena Mammen, Dirk-Michael Drotlef, Glauco Battagliarin, Chen Li, Klaus Muellen, u. a.
2013. A Volume-of-Fluid-based method for mass transfer processes at fluid particles. Chemical Engineering Science 101 (September): 283–302
Bothe, Dieter, Stefan Fleckenstein
2013. Development of a Miniaturized Energy Converter Without Moving Parts. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 90 (4): 741-761
Kania, Thomas, Boris Schilder, Thilo Kissel, Peter Stephan, Steffen Hardt, Andreas Dreizler
2013. Efficiency limitations of thermally evaporated thin-film SnS solar cells. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 46 (30)
Schneikart, A., H. J. Schimper, A. Klein, W. Jaegermann
2013. Global existence results for Oldroyd-B fluids in exterior domains: the case of non-small coupling parameters. Math. Ann. 357, 687-705
Fang, D., M. Hieber, R. Zi
2013. Inertial to Viscoelastic Transition in Early Drop Spreading on Soft Surfaces. Langmuir 29 (6): 1893–98
Chen, Longquan, Elmar Bonaccurso, Martin E. R. Shanahan
2013. Numerical modeling of thermocapillary two-phase flows using a two-scalar approach for heat transfer. J. Comp. Physics 233. 552-573
Ma, Chen, Dieter Bothe
2013. On surface temperature measurements with thermographic phosphors: A review. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 39 (1): 37–60
Brübach, Jan, Christian Pflitsch, Andreas Dreizler, Burak Atakan
2013. Particle manipulation based on optically controlled free surface hydrodynamics. Angew. Chem. In. Ed. 52: 7291-7295
Varanakkottu, S.N., S.D. George, T. Baier, S. Hardt, M. Ewald, M. Biesalski
2013. Prediction of turbulence control for arbitrary periodic spanwise wall movement. Physics of Flluids 25: 075102
Cimarelli, A, Bettina Frohnapfel, Y. Hasegawa, E. De Angelis, M. Quadrio
2013. Systematic coarse-graining methods for soft matter simulations - a review. Soft Matter 9 (7): 2108–19
Brini, Emiliano, Elena A. Algaer, Pritam Ganguly, Chunli Li, Francisco Rodriguez-Ropero, Nico F. A. van der Vegt
2013. Velocity-information-based force-term estimation of dielectric-barrier discharge plasma actuators. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 46 (5)
Kriegseis, J., C. Schwarz, C. Tropea, S. Grundmann
2013. What Is the Contact Angle of Water on Graphene?. Langmuir 29 (5): 1457–65
Taherian, Fereshte, Valentina Marcon, Nico F. A. van der Vegt, Frédéric Leroy
2014. Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators for In-Flight Transition Delay. AIAA Journal 52 (2): 358-367
Duchmann, A., B. Simon, Cameron Tropea, Sven Grundmann
2014. Influence of Contact-Line Curvature on the Evaporation of Nanodroplets from Solid Substrates. Physical Review Letters 113: 046101
Zhan, Jianguo, Frédéric Leroy, Florian Müller-Plathe
2014. Influence oft he enclosed fluid on the flow over a microstructured surface in the Cassie state. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 740: 168-195
Schönecker, Clarissa, Tobias Baier, Steffen Hardt
2014. On the validation of LES applied to internal combustion engine flows: Part 1: Comprehensive experimental database. Flow Turbulence and Combustion 92: 269–297
Baum, Elias, Brian Peterson, Benjamin Böhm, Andreas Dreizler
2014. Transient flame-wall interactions: experimental analysis using spectroscopic temperature and CO concentration measurements. Combustion and Flame 161: 2371–2386
Mann, Markus, Christopher Jainski, Matthias Euler, Benjamin Böhm, Andreas Dreizler
2014. Turbulent flow over superhydrophobic surfaces with streamwise grooves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 747: 186-217
Tuerk, S, G. Daschiel, A. Stroh, Y. Hasegawa, Bettina Frohnapfel
2014. Volumetric intake flow measurements of an IC engine using Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids 55 (5): Article Number 1724
Freudenhammer, D., Elias Baum, B. Peterson, B. Böhm, B. Jung, Sven Grundmann