Project Details
Localization of light in ensembles of cold atoms
Dr. Patrizia Weiß
Subject Area
Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
from 2017 to 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 393135817
This research project is devoted to the study of the quantum trapping of light in a sample of laser-cooled atoms.On the one hand, the long-range light-mediated dipole-dipole interaction leads to the spontaneous synchronization and anti-synchronization of the atomic dipoles, which produce superradiance and subradiance, respectively the enhancement and inhibition of spontaneous emission. On the other hand, interference of light waves during multiple scattering in a disordered system is expected to lead, above a certain threshold on the amount of disorder, to a blocking of diffusion, the so-called Anderson localization, which has never been observed for light waves.In this project, we will combine these two approaches. Recent theoretical works indeed predict a disorder-induced localization of subradiant states above a critical amount of on-site disorder. We will produce the on-site disorder by adding a random optical pattern (Speckle pattern) shifting the atomic levels and we will probe how subradiance is modified by this disorder.Observing signatures of this disorder-induced phase transition would be a milestone for mesoscopic and atomic physics
DFG Programme
Research Fellowships
International Connection
Dr. Robin Kaiser