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Probes of New Physics in the Era of High Luminosity Flavor Experiments

Applicant Dr. Stefan Schacht
Subject Area Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
Term from 2018 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 395742629
We propose to investigate and improve probes of physics beyond the Standard Model using flavor observables which are tailored to the era of LHCb Run 2 and Belle II. There are very solid reasons to believe that the Standard Model is an incomplete theory and that there is more to discover at the fundamental level.The near future high luminosity flavor experiments will enable us to perform tests for new physics up to very high scales with unprecedented experimental precision. In order to fully benefit from these, it is important that the theoretical precision does not fall behind the experimental advancements, otherwise, our interpretation of the data is bounded by the uncertainties of the theoretical methods.We propose to improve the available theoretical methods in the pursuit of identifying patterns of new physics in a complementary way. To that end we plan to work on i) accounting for isospin breaking in tests of the unitarity violation of the CKM matrix, ii) isospin violating new physics in charm CP violation, iii) lepton flavor nonuniversality and iv) polarization measurements which enable a test of operators with a Lorentz structure beyond the Standard Model.
DFG Programme Research Fellowships
International Connection USA

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