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GRK 2575:  Rethinking Quantum Field Theory

Subject Area Particles, Nuclei and Fields
Term since 2020
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 417533893
Quantum field theory (QFT) plays a fundamental role in theoretical physics. It provides the unification of quantum mechanics and special relativity and as such is a major intellectual achievement of the past century. Today’s understanding of particle physics is summarized in a QFT known as the Standard Model (SM).With the discovery of the Higgs boson, the SM is complete and constitutes a self consistent theory up to highest energies. However, a number of terrestrial experiments exhibit significant tensions with the SM, while astrophysical observations require the existence of dark matter, showing that the SM is not the ultimate theory of particle physics. In addition, pressing theoretical questions, such as the quest for a quantum theory of gravity, the hierarchy problem and the appearance of dualities between different QFTs, force us to reassess the foundations of the SM and of QFT in general. In recent years important innovations in QFT have occurred, leading the community to seriously rethink its core concepts. These innovations include the methodology of perturbation theory, dualities and hidden symmetries, the prominent role of effective field theories, modern onshell methods for scattering amplitudes and the gradient flow technology in lattice field theory. The training in and further development of these innovations within QFT are the central goals of this research training group. Qur group is characterized by broad expertise, ranging from formal aspects of QFT via phenomenologyand lattice field theory to analytical methods for gravitational wave research. We have designed a timely qualification program for a new generation of quantum field theorists which will train them in these modern aspects of QFT that have not yet made it into the textbooks and to which members of our consortium have significantly contributed. This broad education will lay a solid foundation for a successful scientific career in theoretical physics. The key elements of our qualification program are (i) introductory and advancedcourses on QFT, (ii) an annual retreat with external lecturers and seminars, (iii) a monthly QFT colloquium, (iv) two internships in neighboring research groups, (v) self-organized seminars, (vi) presentations on career perspectives outside of academia, and (vii) professional soft skills training.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

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