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Changes in prostate-specific membrane antigen expression following ionizing irradiation – Implications for clinical practice

Subject Area Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy, Radiobiology
Term from 2019 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 432564436
Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) represents an attractive target structure for diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in patients with all stages of prostate cancer (PCa). However, regulatory mechanisms of PSMA expression still remain unclear. The project addresses a detailed analysis on the impact of ionizing radiation on PSMA expression levels in PCa cells in a dose and time dependent manner. Furthermore, the potential of PSMA to serve radio protective for PCa cells will be evaluated and the effect of PSMA inhibitors for increased radiosensitivity of PCa cells will be examined. Finally, translating these study outcomes to clinical application, a combination with therapeutical approaches is planned. As increased PSMA levels through ionizing irradiation may improve the efficiency of PSMA-targeted therapeutic approaches, a sequential treatment protocol with ionizing irradiation followed by PSMA-targeted endoradiotherapy will be investigated. Hence, this project comprises a scientific working program incorporating cell culture studies, primary PCa tissue and preclinical therapeutical studies in a highly multidisciplinary environment. The project outcome will give an insight into the influence of ionizing radiation on PSMA expression in PCa and the resulting consequences for synergistic therapeutical approaches in the management of PCa patients.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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