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Technical implementation of magnetosensitive elastomers for reversibly magnetically tunable sensor systems

Applicant Dr. Tatiana Becker
Subject Area Fluid Mechanics
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 436989955
Classical magnetic hybrid materials contain either magnetically soft or magnetically hard particles. Thus, they show either an active magnetorheological effect or exhibit passive magnetorheological properties after magnetization of the magnetically hard particles. Within the research association of German and Russian project groups, we combine magnetically hard and soft particles in an elastomeric matrix to provide a combination of active and passive magnetorheological properties. In this context, it is the central goal of the research association to synthesize tailored magnetic hybrid materials for sensor applications based on a detailed microscopic understanding of the material properties. Within the subproject described here, investigations of the magnetic hybrid materials for their technical implementation as actuator and sensor systems are in focus of the working program. The complex particle-particle and particle-matrix interactions occurring on the microscopic scale are the key to provide variable and adaptive material properties of functional elements made of these smart materials by means of a magnetic field control. It involves the gradual transition from the material characterization to system design and development. Based on the results obtained in the previous application periods, the objective of the prolongation proposal focuses on the implementation of pre-magnetized magnetic hybrid materials. Research tasks are the systematic investigation of the macroscopically resulting magnetic properties of variously filled magnetic hybrid composites and their appropriate theoretical modeling. The results will be put in relation to the microstructural characterization of the material and analyzed in cooperation with other groups of the research association. The realization of sensor systems with complex adaptive behavior and operating sensitivity may be defined as new research subject. The proposed research will also emphasize the potential of these smart materials in soft robotic applications.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Austria, Russia

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