Project Details
High performance fluorescence lifetime spectrometer
Subject Area
Chemical Solid State and Surface Research
Funded in 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 438990446
The requested high-performance fluorescence lifetime spectrometer is to be operated centrally in a room of the Chair of Physical Chemistry III (AG Marschall), and will be available to a wide range of users, including those working on crystalline oxides, coordination compounds, and proteins in the form of powders, thin films and solutions. The device enables measurements for temperature-controlled steady-state as well as transient photoluminescence on all named sample geometries. The device also offers the possibility of excitation for lifetime measurements both in the UV light range (266 nm, 355 nm) and in the visible light range (532 nm) with ultrashort pulses, so that measurements of luminescence lifetimes in the low picosecond range with all three excitation wavelengths are possible. As a result, synthetic material modifications (e.g., band gap reduction by chemical modification of semiconductors, ligand design of coordination compounds) and concomitant altered excitation/recombination/emission can be directly compared by measurements on identical time scales to provide a deeper understanding of the impact on e.g. photocatalytic activity or exchange interactions between luminescent ligands and metal centers.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Instrumentation Group
1850 Spektralfluorometer, Lumineszenz-Spektrometer (außer Filterfluorometer
Applicant Institution
Universität Bayreuth
Participating Researcher
Professorin Dr. Birgit Weber