Projekt Druckansicht

Die Rolle von ASXL1 Mutationen bei der Entstehung von Myeloproliferativen Neoplasien in vivo

Antragstellerin Dr. Frederike Kramer
Fachliche Zuordnung Hämatologie, Onkologie
Förderung Förderung von 2020 bis 2022
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 441954047
Erstellungsjahr 2023

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

In this study, we established a Calrdel52-Asxl1mut mouse model with an exacerbation in MPN phenotype, resembling observations in human CALR mutant MPN. Our data show that mutant Asxl1 drives the development of an aberrant MF-associated megakaryocyte phenotype in Calrdel52 mice, with distinct changes in H3 epigenetic marks that alter the gene expression signature of Calrdel52-Asxl1mut megakaryocytes. Using these data, we are in the process of validating targets with the long-term goal to identify novel therapeutic targets in MPN patients harboring ASXL1 mutations. To map locus-specific histone alterations to genes of interest in MxCre-Calrdel52-Asxl1mut mice, we will next use Cleavage Under Targets & Release Using Nuclease (CUT&RUN), a novel assay to analyze native chromatin on target-specific sites to supplement the proteomic profiling data we acquired by GCP. Furthermore, we submitted bone marrow samples from MxCre-Calrdel52 and MxCre-Calrdel52-Asxl1mut mice for single cell RNAseq, to verify our ex vivo megakaryocyte data in a native setting. The final step of this study will be to transfer the generated data to a human model. We will use both bone marrow biopsies from CALR and CALR-ASXL1 mutant patients and patient-derived induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. iPS cells are being generated in collaboration with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, USA. To ensure concordance with my data generated using a Calr-mutant thrombocythemia mouse model, we will utilize iPS cells from CALR-mutant ET patients to validate the mutant CALR-ASXL1 epigenetic footprint and specific identified targets in patient-derived iPS cells.

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