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Coordination Funds

Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Term since 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 444137888
Two-dimensional (2D) materials are crystals with a thickness of only one or very few atoms. After the discovery of graphene, the most prominent representative of this class of materials, many other 2D crystals have been identified. They often exhibit intriguing properties that have no counterpart in three-dimensional solids. Furthermore, well-defined stacking of 2D crystals can lead to new states of matter, even when the individual layers are only weakly bound by van der Waals (vdW) interactions. The most impressive example published in 2018 is the transformation of bilayer graphene into a superconductor when the layers are twisted by a "magic angle" of about 1.1 degrees. Such delicate structural manipulation has become possible thanks to massive research efforts in 2D materials, opening the door to the study of phase transitions forced by the so-called proximity effect. For example, phase transitions between a Mott insulator and an unconventional superconducting state to a 2D ferromagnetic phase or semiconductor-metal transitions have been observed. In addition, vdW heterostructures offer rich optical and optoelectronic properties, such as interlayer excitons and trions. The combination of 2D crystals with different properties, e.g., a 2D superconductor and a 2D topological insulator, can open the door to exotic physical phenomena such as Majorana fermions. The goal of Priority Program 2244 "2D Materials: Physics of vdW [Hetero]Structures" is to combine research efforts and expertise in the German scientific community to address the many open fundamental questions about stacked 2D materials. PP 2244 has the following three goals: Aim 1: Investigate the effects of interlayer interactions on electronic and transport properties in 2D vdW materials. Aim 2: Investigate the optical properties resulting from interlayer interactions in 2D vdW materials. Aim 3: Investigate collective and correlated phenomena leading to exotic effects in 2D vdW materials. To ensure a close collaboration, PP 2244 is accompanied by a coordination office. This office will take care of the organization of summer schools for PhD students and postdocs, training events, gender equality activities and scientific workshops for all members and associated members of the focus. Furthermore, a program for doctoral student exchange between the participating projects as well as start-up funding for young scientists is offered. The scientific work of PP 2244 is accompanied by a steering committee.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes

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