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Clergy or Sinecure? The Protestant Canons from the Peace of Westphalia to the End of the Napoleonic Era (1648–1815)

Applicant Dr. Paul Beckus
Subject Area Early Modern History
Term since 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 447986377
The continuance of protestant cathedral chapters in the Holy Roman Empire after the Thirty Years' War was only rarely studied in the history so far. In the historical research the cathedral chapters are known as mere financial supply for younger sons of nobles. This perspective is based on how cleric institutions where viewed since reformation. Cathedral chapters appeared as no longer relevant institution of a ancient time. However, this hides the inner life of the chapter, the social relationships and the role of the chapter in politics and society. The origins of the cathedral chapters allow a detailed view into this highly exclusive institution. The aim of research project is to analyse the position of all members of protestant cathedral chapters in the Holy Roman Empire. Based on this, we reconsider the view of the chapters as a mere supply institution. The established picture will be critically examined by means of elicitation of the social profile of the canons, their networking, education and careers as well as their presence as members of the cathedral chapters. The project shall contribute to the research of cross-community religious practices in the early modern period. The low number of the group of protestant canons made allows us to give a broad and complete overview. With this at hand, we are able to compare this social group with other groups like catholic canons.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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