SPP 1369: Polymer Solid Contacts: Interfaces and Interphases
Subject Area
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
from 2008 to 2016
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 45258051
Final Report
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Special Issue Polymer Interfaces and Interphases. Soft Materials, Vol. 12. 2014, S1-S161.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
A coupled MD-FE simulation method accounting for interphases in nanoparticle filled thermoplastics.
Müller-Plathe, Florian
Steinmann, Paul
Adhesion in Model Polymer-Solid Interphases: Relation between the Nanoscopic Interphase and Macroscopic Adhesion
Stamm, Manfred
AFM-based determination of interface and interphase interactions
Hugel, Thorsten
Correlation between mobility, ion concentration profile and swelling behavior of polymer films in the interphase close to solid substrates
von Klitzing, Regine
Effect of the Interactions between Polymers and Solid Fillers on the Structure of Polymer-Filler
Heinrich, Gert
Entanglements and Dynamics in the Interphase Region
Sommer, Jens-Uwe
Finite element-based micromechanical modelling of phase interactions in filler reinforced elastomers
Reese, Stefanie
Free volume distribution at polymer-solid interfaces
Rätzke, Klaus
Influence of nanoparticles on the polymer chain dynamics in model polymer nanocomposites
Förster, Stephan
Influence of non-linear mechanical stress on the molecular dynamics of composite materials via simultaneous Rheo-NMR and Rheo-SAXS characterisation
Wilhelm, Manfred
Influence of Polymer-Solid Contacts on Chain Order and Dynamics Probed by Advanced NMR Spectroscopy
Spiess, Hans Wolfgang
interfacial dynamics of polymers in interaction with solid substrates
Kremer, Friedrich
Investigation polymer-filler interphase dynamics of reinforced elastomers: experiments, modelling and theory
Klüppel, Manfred
Vilgis, Thomas A.
Koordinierungsantrag zum Schwerpunktprogramm "Polymer-Festkörper-Kontakte: Grenzflächen und Interphasen"
Müller-Plathe, Florian
Local viscosity and density in the interphase of polymers near a solid interface - fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and neutron reflectometry
Papadakis, Christine M.
Nanoscopic mechanical tests for characterizing forces during UVinitiated mass transport in photosensitive polymer films
Havenith-Newen, Martina
Santer, Svetlana
Polymer dynamics in solid-state matrices studied by field-cycling NMR
Rößler, Ernst
Polymer dynamics in the polymer-solid interphase: molecular dynamics simulations of 1,4- polybutadiene at graphite and alumina surfaces
Paul, Wolfgang
Polymeric Interphases in Self-Ordered Porous Alumina: NMR Investigations of the Chain Dynamics
Hübner, Christian
Saalwächter, Kay
Steinhart, Martin
Probing the Polymer/Solid Interface and Interphase in Mesostructured 2D-Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composites: A Combined Study of Experiment and Theory.
Drossel, Barbara
Schneider, Jörg J.
Stühn, Bernd
Segment Density and Coil Dimensions of Polymer Chains Anchored to Solid Surfaces
Rehahn, Matthias
Stühn, Bernd
Simulations to Probe Structure and Mobilities of Poly electrolyte Multilayer Systems of variable Size
Holm, Christian
Structure of random block copolymer melts at solid surfaces
Müller, Marcus
Surface impact in polydisperse polymer systems
Berger, Rüdiger
Gutmann, Jochen
Tailoring Epoxy / Glass Composites: Characterization of Interphase Properties
Mäder, Edith
The formation of a polymer interphase near a solid boundary during the curing of a reactive system, simulated by reactive molecular dynamics
Müller-Plathe, Florian
The Impact of a Solid Surface on the Structure and Dynamics of Polymer Melts
Knoll, Wolfgang
The Impact of a Solid Surface on the Structure and Dynamics of Polymer Melts
Butt, Hans-Jürgen
The Influence of Surfaces and Confinement on the Dynamics of Polymer Melts
Kruteva, Margarita
Professor Dr. Florian Müller-Plathe