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High-frequency spin noise dynamics in magnetically ordered systems (B06)

Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 425217212
This project aims at studying the high-frequency spin fluctuations in magnetically ordered materials and heterostructures using a combination of experimental and theoretical methods. We want to use pure optical spin-noise spectroscopy to investigate the relationship between spin and magnon noise at GHz frequencies, and we also want to develop ultrafast spin-noise spectroscopy experiments to investigate the dynamics of spin fluctuations on picosecond time scales. With the accompanying atomistic spin simulations, we will simulate the spin or magnon noise and thus both contribute to the interpretation of the experiments and make predictions for more complex systems such as magnetic heterostructures.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
Major Instrumentation High frequency lock-in amplifier
Spectrum analyser for GHz SNS
Instrumentation Group 6160 Diskriminatoren, Einkanalanalysatoren (außer Analog-Klassiergeräte 734)
6380 Frequenzanalysatoren, Schwingungsanalysatoren
Applicant Institution Universität Konstanz

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