Project Details
Full vector secular variation during the Brunhes Chron in Mexico determined from volcanic hard rocks
Privatdozent Dr. Norbert R. Nowaczyk
Subject Area
from 2007 to 2009
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 45687134
Final Report Year
No abstract available
9th Castle Meeting on NEW TRENDS IN GEOMAGNETISM, PALAEO, ROCK AND ENVIRONMENTAL MAGNETISM, Javorina, High Tatras, Slovakia, 2004: Low paleointensities but normal directions from San Quintin upper Brunhes lavas: relations to geomagnetic excursion(s)?
Böhnel, H., Gratton, M., Nowaczyk, N.
IV REUNIÓN NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Queretaro 2004: Secular variation as determined from recent lava flows in Mexico Barajas Gea Constancio Ivan, Rodriguez Vargas Jose Luis y Bôhnel Harald-FECHAMIENTOS DE ROCAS RECIENTES DEL CAMPO VOLCÁNICO MICHOACÁN–GUANAJUATO Y SU REGISTRO MAGNETICO
Böhnel Harald, Negendank Jörg y Nowaczyk Norbert
IAGA 2005: Scientific Assembly 2005 Toulouse, France: Mini-sample paleomagnetism: practical experiences
H.N. Böhnel, D.M. Michalk & N. Nowaczyk
Puerto Vallarta Rodriguez Vargas Jose Luis, Barajas Gea Constancio Ivan y Böhnel Harald
(2006), Reliable absolute palaeointensities independent of magnetic domain state, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 248 (1-2), 507-516
Dekkers, M.J., and H.N. Böhnel, H.N
10th Castle Meeting on Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism Castle of Valtice, Czech Republic, 3 - 8 September, 2006: A comparison between the microwave and multispecimen parallel differential pTRM paleointensity methods
H.N. Böhnel, M.J. Dekkers, M. Gratton
10th Castle Meeting on Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism Castle of Valtice, Czech Republic, 3 - 8 September, 2006: Absolute palaeointensity independent of magnetic domain state
M.J. Dekkers, H.N. Böhnel
66. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft 2006 Bremen, Germany: Säkularvariation in Mexico Full vector geomagnetic secular variation in central Mexcio as derived from voplcanic rocks dating from Brunhes-chron: first preliminary palaeoand rock-magnetic results
H.N. Böhnel
66. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 2006, Bremen, Germany, “Full vector Geomagnetic Secular Variation in Central Mexico as derived from volcanic rocks younger than about 500 ka”
D.M. Michalk, N. Nowaczyk, H. Böhnel & J.F.W. Negendank
EGU General Assembly 2006 Vienna: Absolute paleointensity independent of domain state
Dekkers, M.J.; Böhnel, H.N.
AGU fall meeting 2007 San Francisco: An Alternative View on Absolute Paleointensity Determination
Dekkers, M. J., Böhnel, H. N.
AGU fall meeting 2007 San Francisco: Evaluation of the Multispecimen Parallel Differential pTRM Method: A Test on Historical Lavas From Iceland and Mexico
Michalk, D. M., Muxworthy, A. R., Boehnel, H., Nowaczyk, N., Maclennan, J.
AGU fall meeting 2007 San Francisco: “Thermal fluctuation fields in basalts and the Barbier plot”
A..R. Muxworthy, D. Heslop, & D.M. Michalk
EGU General Assembly 2007, Wien, Austria: Austria “Geomagnetic Secular Variation as derived from Brunhes Chron lavas from Central Mexico and hints to four geomagnetic excursions”
D.M. Michalk, N. Nowaczyk, H. Böhnel, J.F.W. Negendank
EGU General Assembly 2007, Wien, Austria: Reliable absolute paleointensity independent of magnetic domain state
Dekkers, M.J.; Böhnel, H.N.
International Conference of Palaeo- and Rock-magnetism, 2007, Beijing, China “New methods of palaeointensity determination: testing the multi-specimen approach”
D.M. Michalk and A.R. Muxworthy
IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2.-13.7.2007: Absolute paleointensities for recent lavas from East Maui (Hawaii, USA) determined with the multispecimen parallel differential PTRM
Herrero-Bervera Emilio, Böhnel Harald, Dekkers Mark
IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2.-13.7.2007: The multispecimen parallel differential PTRM method for absolute paleointensity determination
Dekkers, Mark J., Böhnel, Harald
Reunión anual UGM 2007 Puerto Vallarta: Paleointensidades obtenidas con el metodo de Multi-specimen parallel differential pTRM
(2008): Evaluation of the multispecimen parallel differential pTRM method: a test on historical lavas from Iceland and Mexico, Geophysical Journal International, 173, 2, 409-420
Michalk, D. M.; Muxworthy, A.; Böhnel, H. N.; Maclennan, J.; Nowaczyk, N. R.
AGU fall meeting 2008 San Francisco: Paleointensities of young lava flows obtained with the multispecimen parallel differential pTRM method
Böhnel, H., Dekkers, M. J., Herrero-Bervera, E.
Annual meeting of the European Geophysical Union (EGU), 2008, Wien, Austria “Thermal fluctuation fields in basalts and the Barbier plot”
A.R. Muxworthy, D. Heslop, & D.M. Michalk
Böhnel Harald, Michalk Daniel, Dekkers Mark y Herrero Bervera Emilio
(2009 online first): The use of mini-samples in palaeomagnetism, Geophysical Journal International
Böhnel, H.; Michalk, D. M.; Nowaczyk, N. R.; Gonzalez Naranjo, G.
(2009): Thermal fluctuation fields in basalts, Earth Planets and Space, 61, 1, 111-117
Muxworthy, A. R.; Heslop, D.; Michalk, D. M.
AGU spring meeting 2009 Toronto, Canada: “Properties of pTRM in Multidomain Grains and Their Implications for Palaeointensity Measurements”
A. J. Biggin, D. M. Michalk
AGU spring meeting 2009 Toronto: Paleointensity of the Hawaii 1960 Lava Flow
Böhnel, H., Dekkers, M.J., Herrero-Bervera, E.
Application of the multispecimen palaeointensity method to Pleistocene lava flows from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt : Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
Daniel M. Michalk, Andrew J. Biggin, Mads F. Knudsen, Harald N. Böhnel, Norbert R. Nowaczyk & Steven Ownby