Projekt Druckansicht

Tectonic uplift in the forearc of the Hellenic subduction zone from topographic surveying and 36Cl exposure dating of marine terraces on Crete

Fachliche Zuordnung Paläontologie
Förderung Förderung von 2007 bis 2012
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 48616152
Flights of marine terraces – which result from the interaction between rising coastal areas and the fluctuating Quaternary sea level – provide important information on the tectonic deformation at subduction zones. On the island of Crete in the forearc of the Hellenic subduction zone, Late Holocene shorelines were previously used to estimate spatially variable rates of tectonic uplift associated with strong earthquakes. If these uplift rates are representative on longer timescales is still unknown. Information on long-term uplift rates is, however, contained in older marine terraces of Pleistocene age, which have received little attention so far and have not been dated. This pilot study aims to constrain the tectonic uplift rate of eastern Crete, where a series of wave-cut platforms of Pleistocene age is particularly well developed in massive limestones. A detailed topographic survey of the marine platforms combined with 36Cl surface exposure dating will allow (1) to correlate these terraces with Quaternary sea-level highstands and (2) to quantify the long-term uplift rate along the eastern coast of Crete. If successful, this approach could be widely applied to better constrain rates of uplift at the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean region, where abundant Mesozoic limestones are uplifted along active fault systems.
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