Projekt Druckansicht

Sich selbst entwickelndes, adaptives Verhalten in künstlichen kognitiven Lernsystemen basierend auf selbstorganisierenden, sensomotorischen Körperwelten

Fachliche Zuordnung Bild- und Sprachverarbeitung, Computergraphik und Visualisierung, Human Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous und Wearable Computing
Förderung Förderung von 2007 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 48677251
Erstellungsjahr 2015

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

This project had the goal to model the ideomotor principle of learning from psychology by means of neuro-cognitive, self-organizing learning architectures. First, conceptual and theoretical work on anticipatory behavior has been conducted, which shows why, when, where, and in what way anticipatory mechanisms shape and optimize brain development. Second, several computational models have been developed, including SURE REACH (Sensorimotor Unsupervised REdundancy REsolving ArCHitecture) for flexible reaching, the XCSF classifier system for flexible directional arm control, and MMF (Modular Modality-Frame Model) for distributed bodily representations. Moreover, the TGNG (time-growing neural gas) algorithm was developed and combined with motivational drives based on principles of homeostasis, resulting in the autonomous generation of goal-directed behavior. All systems essentially develop sensorimotor-grounded, spatial encodings, and spatial mappings suitable for the maintenance of robust bodily representations and/or for flexible, adaptive, redundancy-resolving behavioral control. Meanwhile, close relations to predictive coding and Bayesian information processing have been revealed. Third, also dynamic neural systems were investigated, which are currently being integrated into the sensorimotor-grounded spatial encodings. Fourth, a large set of cognitive psychological experiments was conducted. These experiments showed that multisensory sources of information indeed interact highly flexibly and across different, bodily-grounded frames of reference. Moreover, the experiments showed that our behavior is highly goal-oriented typically taking even subsequent goals into consideration. However, the behavior is not necessarily fully optimal seeing that it can be influenced by habitual routines and even simple sensory biases. Finally, the psychological experiments have confirmed that the brain indeed strives to maintain an overall consistent body image, as was hypothesized by the MMF model. Fifth, during the project lifetime I could establish myself and my group in the cognitive science community, as indicated, for example, by the successful organization of the biannual German Cognitive Science meeting in Tübingen in September 2014. Many of the implications gained in this project fit very well and have partially contributed to the current developments of predictive encoding, the free energy principle, and the enactive, pragmatic turn in the cognitive sciences. It is my strong believe that these insights will help to understood the structure of concepts in our brains, including their development. Once we have reached this understanding, it will be inevitably possible to develop the next generation of intelligent systems, opening up currently unimaginable options for really smart devices, including self-organizing factories, adaptive production lines, innovative software tools, and intelligent, adaptive, and supportive agents in hard- and software.

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