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Myeloid cell 7T ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging in pigs as a translational platform for cardiac immunotherapy (C03)

Subject Area Cardiology, Angiology
Term since 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 453989101
This project aims to establish imaging of myeloid cell infiltration in the myocardium of pigs on a 7 Tesla (7T) magnetic resonace tomography (MRI) platform. Myeloid cells will be labelled by perfluorocarbon emulsions containing 19F-atoms. Measurement techniques will be based on a 7T whole-body clinical MRI system that allows for both 1H and 19F imaging. As a paradigm for future immunotherapy applications, we will image myeloid cells to determine the intensity, dynamics, and beneficial, but not yet fully understood, effects of colchicine after MI.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
Major Instrumentation RF-coil interface
Instrumentation Group 3231 MR-Tomographie-Systeme

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