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Tsunami Risiken, Vulnerabilität und Resilizenz in der Phang-Nga Provinz, Thailand - Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Risikoermittlung und Risikominderung (Tsunami Risk and Information Tool = TRAIT)

Subject Area Human Geography
Term from 2007 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 50376712
Final Report Year 2012

Final Report Abstract

The project „Tsunami Risks, Vulnerability and Resilience in the Phang-Nga and Phuket Provinces, Thailand” (TRAIT) was part of a bi-national Thai-German research initiative to study the impacts of the 2004 mega-tsunami. The project, financed by DFG and BMZ, was carried out by a research consortium of Geography Departments at Kiel, Hannover and Munich Universities and with strong partners on the Thai side (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Khon Kaen University and WWF Thailand). Focusing on four different communities along the Andaman Sea coast TRAIT took on a fully integrated approach, addressing both the hazard side (=tsunami) and the vulnerability side (impacts, long-term effects) of this disaster. Basically following the conceptual framework of Turner et al. (2003), the project successfully analyzed the three components which determine the region’s and communities’ vulnerability against tsunamis: exposure, sensitivity and resilience. In doing so, a comprehensive vulnerability assessment concept, which integrated ecological, economic and social vulnerability aspects, was adopted and provided a basis for (future) tsunami risk management in the coastal zone. On the methodological side a wide variety of environmental and social science methods were used, with a strong focus on the applicability and limitations of remote sensing techniques. The following achievements and project results are highlighted:  A Digital Terrain Model/ DTM was built for the study area through an aerial survey;  Based on this, a tsunami inundation model, including surface roughness (Manning) parameters, was created both for hindcasting and forecasting tsunami wave propagation and flooding; Coastal forests, especially mangroves have a dampening effect on tsunami waves;  The resilience of most coastal ecosystems in post-tsunami time is high, but recovery takes (several) years, especially in the coastal forests;  Economic vulnerability strongly depends on various household or community structures and social factors, but dominance of the tourism sector increases a community’s vulnerability; The experience with the 2004 tsunami disaster has strongly increased risk awareness on household level; also coping capacity and adaptation at community level are significantly higher now than before but might wear off in the years to come;  Remote sensing data from satellites (e.g. IKONOS) are a powerful tool for risk zoning and thus for supporting risk management, but always have to be complemented by (biophysical and social) field techniques. With respect to the general significance of the TRAIT project results for hazard research, most of the key findings of the project hold explicit values for further studies on coastal risk management. These findings could only have been produced through excellent team work between all German and Thai project partners.


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  • (2010): Using remote sensing to assess tsunami-induced impacts on coastal forest ecosystems at the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand. In: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 729-745
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  • (2011): Monitoring posttsunami vegetation recovery in Phang-Nga province, Thailand, based on IKONOS imagery and field investigations – a contribution to the analysis of tsunami vulnerability of coastal ecosystems. In: Int. Journal of Remote Sensing; 33 / 10; 1-32
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  • (2011): The influence of land cover roughness on the results of high resolution tsunami inundation modeling. In: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 2521–2540
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  • (2012): Potential of remote sensing techniques for tsunami hazard and vulnerability analysis – a case study from Phang-Nga province, Thailand. In: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 2103-2126
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  • (2012): Socio-economic vulnerability of coastal communities in southern Thailand: The development of adaptation strategies. In: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 12 (8): 2647-2658
    Willroth, P., F. Massmann, R. Wehrhahn und J. Revilla-Diez

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