Projekt Druckansicht

Hochgenaue Potentialhyperflächen und rovibronische Struktur von Malonaldehyd und CH4+ unter Berücksichtigung von Tunneleffekten

Fachliche Zuordnung Theoretische Chemie: Moleküle, Materialien, Oberflächen
Theoretische Chemie: Elektronenstruktur, Dynamik, Simulation
Förderung Förderung von 2007 bis 2010
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 50479464
Erstellungsjahr 2010

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Molecules are not static objects. They are continuously in motion, vibrating and sometimes reacting from one chemical species to another. A knowledge of how the energy changes as the nuclei move (i.e. the potential energy surface) is crucial to the understanding the chemistry of these dynamical processes. If we are able to compute the potential energy surface, we can then simulate the vibrational motion of the nuclei, determine reaction pathways and predict reaction rates. Every point on the potential energy surface corresponds to the energy of the molecule for a different configuration of the nuclei. To accurately compute the energy it is necessary to go far beyond the orbital picture, where each electron moves in the average electrostatic field of the other electrons, and to account for the way in which the motion of every electron is correlated to that of all the others. The dominant source of error in the standard approaches for computing the energy of the electrons in a molecule is the poor description of the correlation between two electrons when they closely approach one another. By building the physics of this interaction explicitly into the description of electron correlation, it was possible to essentially eliminate this source of error with almost no additional computational cost. Having worked with others to develop an efficient computer program (in turbomole) for this explicitly-correlated technique, applicable to both open- and closed-shell molecular systems, it is now possible to compute energies and potential energy surfaces reliably for much larger molecules than previously feasible. Malonaldehyde (C3 O2 H3 ) is one of the simplest molecules that undergoes an intermolecular hydrogen transfer reaction, which is an important process that takes place in many enzyme reaction pathways. The hydrogen transfer is significantly faster than expected on the basis of Newtonian mechanics because the dual wave-particle nature of the hydrogen nucleus allows it to tunnel through the reaction barrier. Calculations that capture this quantum dynamics require as input a potential energy surface for how the energy changes with respect to all possible arrangements of the atoms. Using the new explicitly-correlated method, it was possible to compute tens of thousands of energies, to provide an accurate and reliable 21 dimensional potential energy surface for malonaldehyde. The computed tunnelling splitting of the lowest vibrational energy levels was for the first time in complete agreement with experimental observation and the surface may now confidently be used to investigate how the O· · ·O and O–H stretching modes influence the rate of hydrogen transfer.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

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