Project Details
Strain- and metabolism-dependent genetic variations of (lymph)angiogenesis: identification of candidates and influence on corneal wound healing (A02)
Subject Area
since 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 501530074
The normally avascular cornea will be used in the mouse model of Collaborative Crosslines to 1) identify new loci influencing the trait of lymphangiogenesis through systematic genetic mapping of diabetic mice. 2) Investigation of the molecular mechanisms of the identified potential candidate genes with regard to their effect on lymphangiogenesis in vitro. 3) Specific analysis of best candidates to modulate corneal wound healing and graft survival in vivo to gain a better understanding of the underlying pathomechanisms. Aim is to detect novel endogenous lymphangiogenesis modulators, which may be used in a variety of (eye) diseases.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Subproject of
SFB 1607:
Towards immunomodulatory and anti(lymph)angiogenic therapies for age-related blinding eye diseases
Applicant Institution
Universität zu Köln
Project Heads
Dr. Thomas Clahsen; Professor Dr. André Reis