Projekt Druckansicht

Sedimentary Environments and Biodiversity of Ichnofaunas at the pC/C-Boundary of the Yangtze Platform: Palaoecologic and Biostratigraphic Significance

Fachliche Zuordnung Paläontologie
Förderung Förderung von 2001 bis 2006
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5337304
This proposal outlines sedimentologic-stratigraphic and palaeobiological aspects of the pC/C boundary interval of the Yantze Platform. Paleoecologic interpretations of the depositional realm and its trace fossil assemblage will be placed in a biostratigraphic context, thus adding to the understanding of this critical time interval in earth history. A modern sedimentological re-evaluation and interpretation of select key sections regarding sequence- and event-stratigrahic attributes will identify the dominant sedimentary environments and provide critical palaeoenvironmental parameters. The first appearances of certain ichnotaxa, and the composition and distribution of typical ichnoassemblages reflect evolutionary stages in the metazoan evolution (behavior, life styles and strategies, inter- and intraspecific relations etc.), and therefore supply data on the metazoan evolution in otherwise unfossilifeous sediments. Several ichnotaxa have recently been used with various succes as index fossils for pC/C boundary zonation and global correlation. The unique situation of a co-occurrence of true biostratigraphy markers (such as acritarchs, small shelly fossils and early trilobites) and well-preserved ichnofaunas in many sections of the Yangtze platform sediments allows, for the first time, the calibration of the true biostratigraphic significance of certain ichnotaxa occuring across the pC/C boundary.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Internationaler Bezug China


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