Project Details
Emission und Dynamik natürlich gebildeter halogenierter Kohlenstoffverbindungen an deutschen Küsten
Professor Dr. Walter Michaelis
Subject Area
Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
from 2002 to 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5348487
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(2006) Coastal salt marshes: dynamics and emission of volatile halogenated organic compounds. Northern German Organic Geochemistry Meeting, Hamburg
Valtanen A.
(2008) Coastal wetlands - a source of halogenated ozone depleting gases?. Biogeochemisches Seminar, Department Geowissenschaften, Universität Hamburg
Solloch S.
(2008) Emissions of naturally-produced halogenated methanes in areas of West Africa. SOPRAN Annual Meeting, BMBF, Warnemünde
Solloch S.
Natural variability of emissions of halogenated methanes from halophytes ofthe Mauritanian area. SOPRAN Annual Meeting, Warnemünde
Rommerskirchen F., Solloch S., Herrlich S., Lehlou S., Dartige A., and Michaelis W.
(2009) Chloromethane emission from boreal coastal areas - dynamics and environmental controls. Biogeochemisches Seminar, Department Geowissenschaften, Universität Hamburg
Valtanen A.
(2009) Emissions of volatile halogenated compounds from a meadow in a coastal area of the baltic sea. Boreal Env. Res. 14:915-931
Valtanen A., Solloch S., Hartikainen H., and Michaelis W.
Emissions and isotopic compostion of naturally-produced halogenated carbon compounds in shelf areas. SOPRAN Annual Meeting, BMBF, Kiel
Solloch S.