Projekt Druckansicht

HIV evolution in a heterogeneous target cell environment

Fachliche Zuordnung Biochemie
Förderung Förderung von 2002 bis 2004
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5369624
The human immundeficiency virus (HIV) is able to infect a wide range of human cells. To enter its target cells the virus uses different coreceptors. In the course of infection a switch in HIV coreceptor usage is observed in approximately 50 % of the patients, which is associated with accelerated disease progression. Although the importance of the switch for HIV pathogenesis is well recognized, the factors contributing to the switch and its timing are poorly understood. Insights into the causes of the switch in coreceptor usage are therefore of utmost importance to the understanding of HIV pathogenesis in general, and will have implications for the design and application of coreceptor-specific drugs. The goal of the proposed research project is to investigate the evolution of HIV coreceptor usage with the aid of mathematical models. In close collaboration with experimentalists I will develop realistic models with which I intend to elucidate the factors which may contribute to the switch in HIV coreceptor usage and its timing.
DFG-Verfahren Forschungsstipendien
Internationaler Bezug USA
Kooperationspartner Professor Dr. Rustom Antia


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