Crustal architecture and evolution of the conjugate volcanic margins off mid-Norway and East Greenland in a total rift context
Professor Dr. Wilfried Jokat
Fachliche Zuordnung
Physik des Erdkörpers
Förderung von 2003 bis 2008
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5395153
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2006). Magmatism and formation of a wide continent-ocean transition at the East Greenland margin. Euromargins 2003 OBS Experiment, ESF Euromargins Workshop, 4-7 Oct., Bologna, Italy
Voss, M., Jokat, W.
(2005). Modellierung und Interpretation der Krustenstruktur des Kontinent – Ozean Übergangs von Ostgrönland zwischen 72°N und 76°N. DGG-Jahrestagung, 21.2.-25.2.2005, Graz, Österreich
Schroeder, M., Jokat, W.
(2005). P-Wave Modelling of the Continent-Ocean Transition of the East Greenland Volcanic Margin North of Jan Mayen Fracture Zone. 2nd International Alfred-Wegener Symposium, 30.10.-2.11.2005, Bremerhaven, Deutschland
Schroeder, M., Jokat, W.
(2005). P-Wave Modelling of the East Greenland Volcanic Margin North of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone. EGU-2005 General Assembly, 24.- 29. April 2005, Vienna, Austria
Schroeder, M., Jokat, W.
(2007). Constraints of break-up related magmatism of the North East Greenland rifted margin. ICAM V - Fifth International conference on Arctic margins
Voss, M., Schmidt-Aursch, M. C., Jokat, W.
(2006). Crustal Structure of the East Greenland Volcanic Margin - I: Voluminous Underplating North of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone. EGU General Assembly 2006, 02.-07. April 2006, Vienna, Austria
Voss, M., Jokat, W.
(2006). Crustal Structure of the East Greenland Volcanic Margin - II: Alongstrike Variations Between the Jan Mayen and Greenland Fracture Zones. EGU General Assembly, 02-07 April, Vienna, Austria, Geophys. Res. Abs.
Schmidt-Aursch, M. C., Voss, M., Jokat, W.
(2006). Der Kontinentalrand Ostgrönlands: Erste Interpretation tiefenseismischer und Potentialfelddaten im Bereich zwischen der Jan Mayen und Grönlandbruchzone. 66. Jahrestagung der DGG, 6.-9. Maerz, Bremen, Deutschland
Voss, M., Jokat, W.
(2006). Magmatism and a wide continent-ocean transition at the East Greenland volcanic rifted margin. American Geophysical Union Converence, San Francisco, 11.-15.12.2006
Voss, M., Jokat, W.
(2007). Constraints of break-up related magmatism of the North East Greenland rifted margin. ESF Workshop Potsdam
Voss, M, Jokat, W
(2007). Continent - ocean transition and voluminous magmatic underplating derived from P-wave velocity modelling of the East Greenland continental margin. Geophysical Journal International
Voss, M., Jokat, W.
(2007). Plumes and Continental Break-up: Some observations from the North and South Atlantic. EGU, Wien
Jokat, W., Voss, M.