Project Details
Late Holocene vegetation history and the development of agriculture in West and Central Africa
Professorin Dr. Katharina Neumann
Subject Area
from 2003 to 2012
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5470296
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
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(2006): Pits, graves and grains. Archaeological and archaeobotanical research in southern Cameroun. Journal of African Archaeology 4 (2): 273-298
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(2007): Settling the rain forest – the environment of farming communities in Southern Cameroon during the first millennium BC. In: Runge, J. (ed.), Dynamics of Forest Ecosystems in Central Africa during the Holocene: Past - Present - Future. Palaeoecology of Africa 28, Taylor & Francis, London: 29-41
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(2009): Early plant cultivation in the Central African rain forest: first millennium BC pearl millet from South Cameroon. Journal of African Archaeology 7 (2): 253-272
Kahlheber, S., K. Bostoen & K. Neumann
(2009): Garu Kime: a late Borno fired-brick site at Monguno, NE Nigeria. African Archaeological Review 26: 219-246
Magnavita, C., O. Adebayo, A. Höhn, D. Ishaya, S. Kahlheber, V. Linseele & S. Ogunseyin
(2009): Seasonality change and the third millennium BP rainforest crisis in Central Africa: a high resolution pollen profile from Nyabessan, southern Cameroon. Quaternary Research 71: 307-318
Ngomanda, A., K. Neumann, A. Schweizer & J. Maley
Grasses and grinding stones: Inflorescence phytoliths from modern West African Poaceae and archaeological stone artefacts. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of African Archaeobotany. Frankfurt, M. : Africa-Magna-Verl.. 2011. ISBN 978-3-937248-32-5
Radomski, K. & K. Neumann
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Neumann, K, A. Höhn, S. Kahlheber, A. Ngomanda & B. Tchiengué