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Rain forest-Savanna-Contact (ReSaKo) - Late Pleistocene, Holocene and recent landscape sensitivity of the rain forest-savanna boundary in equatorial Africa and its influence on human and cultural changes.

Subject Area Physical Geography
Term from 2003 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5470296

Final Report Abstract

No abstract available


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    Runge, J., Eisenberg, J. & Sangen, M.
  • (2006): Geomorphic evolution of the Ntem alluvial basin and physiogeographic evidence for Holocene environmental changes in the rain forest of SW Cameroon (Central Africa) – preliminary results. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F., Suppl.-Vol. 145: 63-79
    Runge, J., Eisenberg, J. & Sangen, M.
  • (2007): Neotektonische Prozesse und geomorphologische Entwicklung des Ntem- Binnendeltas, SW-Kamerun. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil 1
    Eisenberg, J.
  • (2007): Physiogeographische Untersuchungen zur holozänen Umweltgeschichte an Alluvionen des Ntem-Binnendeltas im tropischen Regenwald SW-Kameruns. Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, Heft 1/4: 113-128
    Sangen, M.
  • (2008): A palaeoecological approach to neotectonics: the geomorphic evolution of the Ntem River in and below its interior delta, SW Cameroon. In: Runge, J. (Hrsg.): Dynamics of forest ecosystems in Central Africa during the Holocene. Past – Present – Future. Palaeoecology of Africa 28: 259-271
    Eisenberg, J.
  • (2008): Dynamics of forest ecosystems in Central Africa during the Holocene. Past – Present – Future. Palaeoecology of Africa 28, 1-306
    Runge, J.
  • (2008): Late Neoproterozoic palaeogeography of Central Africa: Relations with Holocene geological and geomorphological setting. In: Runge, J. (Hrsg.): Dynamics of forest ecosystems in Central Africa during the Holocene. Past – Present – Future. Palaeoecology of Africa 28, Taylor & Francis, London, Leiden, New York: 245-257
    Kankeu, B. & Runge, J.
  • (2008): New evidence on palaeoenvironmental conditions in SW Cameroon since the Late Pleistocene derived from alluvial sediments of the Ntem River. In: RUNGE, J. (Hrsg.): Dynamics of forest ecosystems in Central Africa during the Holocene. Past – Present – Future. Palaeoecology of Africa 28, 79-102
    Sangen, M.
  • (2009): Morphogenese der Flusseinzugsgebiete von Nyong und Ntem in Süd-Kamerun unter Berücksichtigung neotektonischer Vorgänge
    Eisenberg, J.
  • (2009): Physiogeographische Untersuchungen zur pleistozänen und holozänen Umweltgeschichte an Alluvionen des Ntem-Binnendeltas und alluvialer Sedimente der Flüsse Boumba, Ngoko, Nyong und Sanaga in Süd-Kamerun
    Sangen, M.
  • (2010): New results on palaeoenvironmental conditions in equatorial Africa derived from alluvial sediments of Cameroonian rivers. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association
    Sangen, M.

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