Projekt Druckansicht

Micro-SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell)

Antragstellerin Dr. Anja Bieberle-Hütter
Fachliche Zuordnung Physikalische Chemie von Molekülen, Flüssigkeiten und Grenzflächen, Biophysikalische Chemie
Förderung Förderung von 2003 bis 2005
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5413378
The proposed research project is localized in the areas of SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) and MEMS (Microelectromechanical System) technologies. The development of a so-called micro-fuel cell is the focus of the study. First, standard ceria based SOFCs will be developed, tested, and characterized. Electrochemical measurements will be carried out in a single gas chamber set-up using diverse fuel gas compositions. Having established a standard and reproducible system, new design concepts particularly suitable for small scale applications of SOFCs will be evaluated and tested. The micro-fuel cells will be processed by thin film technologies and fabrication methods known from the semiconductor and the MEMS industry. Fuel cells on a Si substrate as well as microstructured electrodes will be main directions for the research. The translation of the materials performance from bulk polycrystalline ceramics to thin film structures will be studied in detail.
DFG-Verfahren Forschungsstipendien
Internationaler Bezug USA
Kooperationspartner Professor Harry L. Tuller


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