Projekt Druckansicht

Mikroorganismen auf Mineraloberflächen: Einfluss der Struktur und der kristallographischen Orientierung auf den mikrobiellen Angriff auf Pyrit und andere sulfidische Minerale

Fachliche Zuordnung Mineralogie, Petrologie und Geochemie
Förderung Förderung von 2004 bis 2010
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5433539
Erstellungsjahr 2010

Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • (2005): Effects of crystallographic orientation of pyrite-(FeS2)-surfaces on microbial leaching.- Annual conference of geochemical section of DMG, 6. - 7. May 2005, Bremen, Germany
    Etzel, K., Toporski, J., Depmeier, W., Huber, H., Thomm, M.
  • (2006): Pyrite surface alteration as effect of microbial activity and crystallographic orientation. - Annual conference of EGU, 2.- 7. April 2006, Wien, Austria. Section Biogeoscience BGI.09/SSS26 - Biomineralization and bioweathering. GRA (2006) 8 00627
    Etzel, K., Toporski, J., Depmeier, W., Huber, H., Rachel. R., Thomm, M., Schmalz, G.
  • (2006): Pyrite surface alteration as effect of microbial activity and crystallographic orientation. - Annual conference of IMA, 23.- 28. July 2006, Kobe, Japan
    Etzel, K., Toporski, J., Depmeier, W., Huber, H., Rachel. R., Thomm, M., Schmalz, G.
  • (2007): Pyrite surface alteration as effect of microbial activity and crystallographic orientation. - Intemational Biohydrometallurgy Symposium - IBS, 2.- 5. September 2007, Frankfurt / Main, Germany
    Etzel, K., Huber, H., Rachel, R., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
  • (2007): Pyrite surface alteration of synthetic single crystals as effect of microbial activity and crystallographic orientation. Advanced Materials Research 20-21 350-353
    Etzel, K., Huber, H., Rachel, R., Schmalz, G., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
  • (2007): Ultrastructural aspects of microbes etching pyrite surfaces. Microscopy and Microanalysis 13 212-213
    Klingl, A., Thomm, M., Menath, V., Huber, H., Rachel, R., Etzel, K., Toporski, J., Depmeier, W., Schmalz, G.
  • (2008): Abiotic growth and bioiogicai dissolution of pyrite surfaces. - Annual conference of lUCr, 23. - 31. August 2008, Osaka, Japan. Section Crystal Growth: Techniques, Instrumentation and Application. Acta Cryst. (2008) A64 C586
    Etzel, K., Klingl, A., Huber, H., Rachel. R., Schmalz, G., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
  • (2008): Alteration structures ofdifferent oriented synthetic pyrite surfaces induced by Archaea: Effects of crystallographic orientation. - Annual conference of EGU, 13. - 18. April 2008, Wien, Austria. GRA (2008) 10 EGU2008-A- 08938
    Etzel, K., Mutter, A., Klingl, A., Huber, H., Rachel. R., Schmalz, G., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
  • (2008): Dissolution features at synthetic pyrite surfaces induced by Archaea: A function of face-symmetry. - Annual conference of EGU, 13.- 18. April 2008, Wien, Austria. Section Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology GMPV36 - Organic and inorganic mineral surface processes
    Etzel, K., Klingl, A., Mutter, A., Huber, H., Rachel, R., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
  • (2008): Etching of {111} and {210} synthetic pyrite surfaces by two archaeal strains, Metallosphaera sedula and Sulfolobus metallicus. Hydrometallurgy 95 (1-4) 116-210
    Etzel, K., Klingl, A., Huber, H., Rachel, R., Schmalz, G., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
  • Pyrite: A Bond-valence approach to describe crystal growth and dissolution processes. - Annual conference of DMG, 14.-17. September (2008), Berlin, Germany
    Mutter, A., Klingl, A., Etzel, K.
  • The Bond-Valence Deficiency Model: A new approach to describe mineral surface processes, Jahrestagung der EGU, 13.- 18. April 2008, Wien, Austria
    Mutter, A


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