Mikroorganismen auf Mineraloberflächen: Einfluss der Struktur und der kristallographischen Orientierung auf den mikrobiellen Angriff auf Pyrit und andere sulfidische Minerale
Professor Dr. Wulf Depmeier; Professor Dr. Michael Thomm
Fachliche Zuordnung
Mineralogie, Petrologie und Geochemie
Förderung von 2004 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5433539
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2005): Effects of crystallographic orientation of pyrite-(FeS2)-surfaces on microbial leaching.- Annual conference of geochemical section of DMG, 6. - 7. May 2005, Bremen, Germany
Etzel, K., Toporski, J., Depmeier, W., Huber, H., Thomm, M.
(2006): Pyrite surface alteration as effect of microbial activity and crystallographic orientation. - Annual conference of EGU, 2.- 7. April 2006, Wien, Austria. Section Biogeoscience BGI.09/SSS26 - Biomineralization and bioweathering. GRA (2006) 8 00627
Etzel, K., Toporski, J., Depmeier, W., Huber, H., Rachel. R., Thomm, M., Schmalz, G.
(2006): Pyrite surface alteration as effect of microbial activity and crystallographic orientation. - Annual conference of IMA, 23.- 28. July 2006, Kobe, Japan
Etzel, K., Toporski, J., Depmeier, W., Huber, H., Rachel. R., Thomm, M., Schmalz, G.
(2007): Pyrite surface alteration as effect of microbial activity and crystallographic orientation. - Intemational Biohydrometallurgy Symposium - IBS, 2.- 5. September 2007, Frankfurt / Main, Germany
Etzel, K., Huber, H., Rachel, R., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
(2007): Pyrite surface alteration of synthetic single crystals as effect of microbial activity and crystallographic orientation. Advanced Materials Research 20-21 350-353
Etzel, K., Huber, H., Rachel, R., Schmalz, G., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
(2007): Ultrastructural aspects of microbes etching pyrite surfaces. Microscopy and Microanalysis 13 212-213
Klingl, A., Thomm, M., Menath, V., Huber, H., Rachel, R., Etzel, K., Toporski, J., Depmeier, W., Schmalz, G.
(2008): Abiotic growth and bioiogicai dissolution of pyrite surfaces. - Annual conference of lUCr, 23. - 31. August 2008, Osaka, Japan. Section Crystal Growth: Techniques, Instrumentation and Application. Acta Cryst. (2008) A64 C586
Etzel, K., Klingl, A., Huber, H., Rachel. R., Schmalz, G., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
(2008): Alteration structures ofdifferent oriented synthetic pyrite surfaces induced by Archaea: Effects of crystallographic orientation. - Annual conference of EGU, 13. - 18. April 2008, Wien, Austria. GRA (2008) 10 EGU2008-A- 08938
Etzel, K., Mutter, A., Klingl, A., Huber, H., Rachel. R., Schmalz, G., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
(2008): Dissolution features at synthetic pyrite surfaces induced by Archaea: A function of face-symmetry. - Annual conference of EGU, 13.- 18. April 2008, Wien, Austria. Section Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology GMPV36 - Organic and inorganic mineral surface processes
Etzel, K., Klingl, A., Mutter, A., Huber, H., Rachel, R., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
(2008): Etching of {111} and {210} synthetic pyrite surfaces by two archaeal strains, Metallosphaera sedula and Sulfolobus metallicus. Hydrometallurgy 95 (1-4) 116-210
Etzel, K., Klingl, A., Huber, H., Rachel, R., Schmalz, G., Thomm, M., Depmeier, W.
Pyrite: A Bond-valence approach to describe crystal growth and dissolution processes. - Annual conference of DMG, 14.-17. September (2008), Berlin, Germany
Mutter, A., Klingl, A., Etzel, K.
The Bond-Valence Deficiency Model: A new approach to describe mineral surface processes, Jahrestagung der EGU, 13.- 18. April 2008, Wien, Austria
Mutter, A