Project Details
Multinational Enterprises: New Theories and Empirical Evidence from German Firm-Level Data
Professorin Dr. Claudia-Maria Buch
Subject Area
Economic Theory
from 2005 to 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5443185
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
The Impact of Inward FDl and Foreign Ownership on Performance of German Multinational Firms, Vortrag auf dem Bundesbank FDl Workshop 2007, 26. September in Frankfurt a.M.
Christian Arndt
10th Annual Conference of the European Trade Study Group, Warsaw, September 2008: Presentation of "The Impact of Horizontal and Vertical FDl on Labor Demand for Different Skill Groups"
Anselm Mattes
1st Tübingen-Hohenheim Economics Workshop, December 2008: Poster presentation of "The Impact of Horizontal and Vertical FDl on Labor Demand for Different Skill Groups"
Anselm Mattes
23rd Conference of the European Economic Association, Barcelona, August 2008:Presentation of "The Impact of Foreign Ownership on the Performance of German Multinational Firms"
Anselm Mattes
Annual Conference of the German Economic Association, Graz, October 2008: Presentation of "The Impact of Foreign Ownership on the Performance of German Multinational Firms"
Anselm Mattes
Micro-Dyn Summer School, September 2008: Presentation of "The Impact of Foreign Ownership on the Performance of German Multinational Firms"
Anselm Mattes
The Impact of FDl and Foreign Ownership on the Performance of German MNEs, Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, 23.-26. September 2008 in Graz
Christian Arndt
The Impact of Inward FDl and Foreign Ownership on Performance of German Multinational Firms, Vortrag auf dem Allied Social Sciences Association (ASSA)-Meeting, 4.-6. Januar 2008 in New Orieans, Louisiana
Christian Arndt
(2009). Determinanten und Effekte von Direktinvestitionen im Ausland am Beispiel baden-württembergischer Betriebe, in: AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 3(3), 2009
Arndt, Christian, und Anselm Mattes
(2010). Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions of Multinational Firms. New Firm-Level Evidence. lAW Discussion Paper 62, June
Arndt, Christian, und Anselm Mattes
(2010). The Export Magnification Effect of Offshoring. lAW Discussion Paper 63
Kleinert, Jörn, und Nico Zorell
(2010). The Impact of Horizontal and Vertical FDl on Labor Demand for Different Skill Groups. lAW Discussion Paper 59, February
Mattes, Anselm
Presentation at the "Research Workshop International Finance and' Macroeconomics", Tübingen, 23 January 2010
Nico Zorell