Projekt Druckansicht

Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie Gravitationstheorien in zwei Dimensionen

Fachliche Zuordnung Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik, Quantenmechanik, Relativitätstheorie, Felder
Förderung Förderung von 2005 bis 2008
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5445694
Erstellungsjahr 2007

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • “A new two-sphere singularity in general relativity,”. Int. J. Mod. Phys. D
    C. G. Böhmer and F. S. N. Lobo
  • “Dark matter as a geometric effect in f (R) gravity,”
    C. G. Böhmer, T. Harko and F. S. N. Lobo
  • “Physics of dark energy particles,”
    C. G. Böhmer and T. Harko
  • “The homogeneous and isotropic Weyssenhoff fluid,”
    C. G. Böhmer and P. Bronowski
  • “Bounds on the basic physical parameters for anisotropic compact general relativistic objects,”. Class. Quant. Grav. 23 (2006) 6479
    C. G. Böhmer and T. Harko
  • “Scales set by the cosmological constant,”. Class. Quant. Grav. 23 (2006) 485
    A. Balaguera-Antolinez, C. G. Böhmer and M. Nowakowski
  • “Can dark matter be a Bose-Einstein condensate?,”. JCAP 0706 (2007) 025
    C. G. Böhmer and T. Harko
  • “Conformally symmetric traversable wormholes,”. Phys. Rev. D 76 (2007) 084014
    C. G. Böhmer, T. Harko and F. S. N. Lobo
  • “Dark energy as a massive vector field,”. Eur. Phys. J. C 50 (2007) 423
    C. G. Böhmer and T. Harko
  • “Extra force in f (R) modified theories of gravity,”. Phys. Rev. D 75 (2007) 104016
    O. Bertolami, C. G. Böhmer, T. Harko and F. S. N. Lobo
  • “Galactic dark matter as a bulk effect on the brane,”. Class. Quant. Grav. 24 (2007) 3191
    C. G. Böhmer and T. Harko
  • “Loop Quantum Dynamics of the Schwarzschild Interior,”. Phys. Rev. D D76 (2007) 104030
    C. G. Böhmer and K. Vandersloot
  • “Minimum mass-radius ratio for charged gravitational objects,”. Gen. Rel. Grav. 39 (2007) 757
    C. G. Böhmer and T. Harko
  • “On Einstein clusters as galactic dark matter halos,”. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 379 (2007) 393
    C. G. Böhmer and T. Harko
  • “Stability of the Einstein static universe in f (R) gravity,”. Phys. Rev. D 76 (2007) 084005
    C. G. Böhmer, L. Hollenstein and F. S. N. Lobo
  • “The Einstein-Cartan-Elko system,”. Annalen Phys. 16 (2007) 38
    C. G. Böhmer
  • “The Einstein-Elko system – Can dark matter drive inflation?,”. Annalen Phys. 16 (2007) 325
    C. G. Böhmer
  • “The Einstein-Yang-Mills equations from Bianchi identities,”. Mod. Phys. Lett. A 22 (2007) 2727
    C. G. Böhmer and L. Fabbri


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